Connectivity with others

I think that society has changed a very great deal from when I was young.

In some ways the internet has helped connectivity but I believe it has also hindered it.

In pre internet days people were thrown together (ie in person) probably much more than nowadays, leading to sometimes unexpected friendships/relationships.

How do people meet nowadays other than via dating apps?
For those of us who have lived through both eras, which do you prefer?
  • This is a good question!

    In some ways the Internet has connected people better - e.g. with people you don't see often or wouldn't otherwise meet. Or for people who are housebound etc. It is great for sharing information - such as medical diagnosis and research etc. - to make connections that otherwise would never been found.

    In others - primarily via social media - the Internet has created so much false information and toxicity. Too many humans only see the world through a screen now instead of experiencing life for real. Kids seem to spend their childhood staring at screens instead of going outside and playing. Or people feel obliged to present a fake version of themselves to compete with others. Some so desperate, they sell their soul for their 15 minutes of fame. 

    It's a shame we cannot find a balance.

  • This is a good question!

    In some ways the Internet has connected people better - e.g. with people you don't see often or wouldn't otherwise meet. Or for people who are housebound etc. It is great for sharing information - such as medical diagnosis and research etc. - to make connections that otherwise would never been found.

    In others - primarily via social media - the Internet has created so much false information and toxicity. Too many humans only see the world through a screen now instead of experiencing life for real. Kids seem to spend their childhood staring at screens instead of going outside and playing. Or people feel obliged to present a fake version of themselves to compete with others. Some so desperate, they sell their soul for their 15 minutes of fame. 

    It's a shame we cannot find a balance.

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