Connectivity with others

I think that society has changed a very great deal from when I was young.

In some ways the internet has helped connectivity but I believe it has also hindered it.

In pre internet days people were thrown together (ie in person) probably much more than nowadays, leading to sometimes unexpected friendships/relationships.

How do people meet nowadays other than via dating apps?
For those of us who have lived through both eras, which do you prefer?
  • Enduring the small talk and eye contact of other people. Nodding at times, smiling at times, giving it the whole act. Seems to be the way it's done. I observe it a lot and get away with it because I'm subtle and come across as the sort of person that people wouldn't want to be with in any way, shape or form anyway. Swearing a lot, usually after every other sentence or so seems to help with the bonding somehow - increasingly with both sexes of the most recent boomer generations (1960s and on). Descend to that level if need be. I personally don't. Just get by with 'cheers', 'yeah', 'thanks' - most of the time that's all you need. String a sentence together to frighten people off.

  • Enduring the small talk and eye contact of other people. Nodding at times, smiling at times, giving it the whole act. Seems to be the way it's done. I observe it a lot and get away with it because I'm subtle and come across as the sort of person that people wouldn't want to be with in any way, shape or form anyway. Swearing a lot, usually after every other sentence or so seems to help with the bonding somehow - increasingly with both sexes of the most recent boomer generations (1960s and on). Descend to that level if need be. I personally don't. Just get by with 'cheers', 'yeah', 'thanks' - most of the time that's all you need. String a sentence together to frighten people off.

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