Connectivity with others

I think that society has changed a very great deal from when I was young.

In some ways the internet has helped connectivity but I believe it has also hindered it.

In pre internet days people were thrown together (ie in person) probably much more than nowadays, leading to sometimes unexpected friendships/relationships.

How do people meet nowadays other than via dating apps?
For those of us who have lived through both eras, which do you prefer?
  • I can say a lot of negative and also some positive things about the internet and the current lifestyle. But one thing I owe to the internet is the fact that I found my husband. I’m terrible at flirting, I used to always misunderstand and misinterpret the signals from men potentially interested to be with me, and without the internet I couldn’t meet anyone. But there is also a lot of negative aspects, such as people sitting next to each other and spending time separately. Everyone glued to the tile with flashing screen. Recently I saw a young man with a toddler in a stroller, guess what the child had in her hands! Smartphone! And playing some games. I also saw a picture showing a fetus inside mother’a womb also with the mobile. That drawing was deep. It’s sad, how narcissistic currently young people are. I’m happy I grew up in 90’s and spend time on other activities. In fact not so much on the playground, but quite much outside with the nature or in my inner world with my projects.

  • I can say a lot of negative and also some positive things about the internet and the current lifestyle. But one thing I owe to the internet is the fact that I found my husband. I’m terrible at flirting, I used to always misunderstand and misinterpret the signals from men potentially interested to be with me, and without the internet I couldn’t meet anyone. But there is also a lot of negative aspects, such as people sitting next to each other and spending time separately. Everyone glued to the tile with flashing screen. Recently I saw a young man with a toddler in a stroller, guess what the child had in her hands! Smartphone! And playing some games. I also saw a picture showing a fetus inside mother’a womb also with the mobile. That drawing was deep. It’s sad, how narcissistic currently young people are. I’m happy I grew up in 90’s and spend time on other activities. In fact not so much on the playground, but quite much outside with the nature or in my inner world with my projects.

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