Connectivity with others

I think that society has changed a very great deal from when I was young.

In some ways the internet has helped connectivity but I believe it has also hindered it.

In pre internet days people were thrown together (ie in person) probably much more than nowadays, leading to sometimes unexpected friendships/relationships.

How do people meet nowadays other than via dating apps?
For those of us who have lived through both eras, which do you prefer?
  • I met my wife through friends of friends of friends. But I would not have had the ability to keep her if I'd not had practice with earlier relationships.

    These were found while under the influence and everyone else being under the influence in various pubs or nightclubs. I think I would be at a disadvantage today with dating apps, where the date comes first - and you have to talk lots (not our best feature).

    I was better off seeing someone across the smokey room, maybe getting a smile, maybe getting chatting that night, or maybe another night. But you could go back to your friends, have a break, and then bump into them again (maybe another night), In short, it was more organic and less forced. I could be wrong, but youngsters do not seem to go this route these days in the UK.

    That's just dating though - I think that the internet is giving the great ability to make new friends. So maybe romance works the same way too these days.

    Actually, that's a long winded way of saying that I don't really know...

  • I met my wife through friends of friends of friends. But I would not have had the ability to keep her if I'd not had practice with earlier relationships.

    These were found while under the influence and everyone else being under the influence in various pubs or nightclubs. I think I would be at a disadvantage today with dating apps, where the date comes first - and you have to talk lots (not our best feature).

    I was better off seeing someone across the smokey room, maybe getting a smile, maybe getting chatting that night, or maybe another night. But you could go back to your friends, have a break, and then bump into them again (maybe another night), In short, it was more organic and less forced. I could be wrong, but youngsters do not seem to go this route these days in the UK.

    That's just dating though - I think that the internet is giving the great ability to make new friends. So maybe romance works the same way too these days.

    Actually, that's a long winded way of saying that I don't really know...
