Do Autistic adults understand emotional connection?

I am married to an ASD man.

I talk about my unmet emotional needs and he doesn't understand when I talk about the lack of connection.

He just talks about whether I am meeting his unmet needs which are just idealistic and not a basic need.

Can anyone help?  Am I fighting a losing battle?  Is an emotional connection not possible in an ND relationship?

  • Try looking up the 5 languages of love and see which you both are then you maybe able to work on feeling that you're emotional needs are met.

    I think most of us are more than capable of connecting emotionally with people, but maybe this disconnect between you has less to do with ND and more to do with the relationship stage your at, how long you've been together and all the same things you'd have with an NT partner?

  • Try looking up the 5 languages of love and see which you both are then you maybe able to work on feeling that you're emotional needs are met.

    I think most of us are more than capable of connecting emotionally with people, but maybe this disconnect between you has less to do with ND and more to do with the relationship stage your at, how long you've been together and all the same things you'd have with an NT partner?

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