Interfering neighbours

Hi I have posted on here for a while been busy with other things but I’m back now. I wish this was a happy post but it’s not. Last night I had a panic attack because I hadn’t heard from my friend who always says good night to me it’s a comfort thing, he never answered his phone or anything and I got extremely worried I thought he was having another heart attack or something. Anyway my panic attack turned into a full blown meltdown and I just remember screaming and screaming and screaming. Window was open oops I must have been really loud and my neighbours from across the road came over and knocked my door I ignored them and then they shouted Rachel are you ok? I just wanted them to leave me alone. So I tried to hide somewhere to ride out the storm. The next thing then the police come and check on me and I am so embarrassed angry and annoyed that happened. I was fine I wasn’t in danger I just needed to let my emotions out. I explained to the police I was autistic and I was just having a meltdown but they insisted on coming in and checking I was ok. Long story short they left I left the house to get some fresh air to clear my head and my friend contacts me apologising for the late good night. I don’t know how to deal with my neighbours I’m so embarrassed to bump into them and my friend isn’t happy with me because I freaked out he is also on the spectrum. 

  • apologize to everyone, everyone. And thank them for being there for you.

    We live in a world with others, also living with us.

    From the outside of a meltdown it is hard to say what is going on and people are frightened by them.

    Your neighbor was not interfering so much as showing concern.

    Once you apologize, your embarrassment will dissolve, that is what apologies are for.

    You are very fortunate to live among such kind people who would look after your well-being!

  • apologize to everyone, everyone. And thank them for being there for you.

    We live in a world with others, also living with us.

    From the outside of a meltdown it is hard to say what is going on and people are frightened by them.

    Your neighbor was not interfering so much as showing concern.

    Once you apologize, your embarrassment will dissolve, that is what apologies are for.

    You are very fortunate to live among such kind people who would look after your well-being!

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