I went to a Pub

I wanted to stress myself on my own terms. I am socialy testing myself to grow my social muscles. 

A few days before I googled, 'is it OK to go to the pub on my own'. It should be fine. If it is quite, the bar-keep will be happy and friendly for a chat. But if it is busy, make a simple order and move away. 

It was quite for the evening. Not sure I was disappointed or relieved? Well it seemed it won't be as testing  as I thought. 

Do I drink alcohol or not? I walked there, so I had options. If I sat on my own, I would be happy with a pint of milk ;). Maybe a tea or a coffee. I chose a bottle of cider. It would keep my hands occupied. I could corress it, or choke the neck if I feel the need. I took a chance and asked the bar-boy if the man playing the machine want a drink. We shared forgettable small talk and a second round. A few people came and went engaging the regular with local gossip. After two bottles i was surprised i felt it in my legs when I said farewell. 

I enjoyed the walk home. I buzzed with energy, soothed in the meditive rhythm of walking. What to do next week?

  • when I was under age run away I used to go in the back door of this one bar and play the pin ball machine there just inside, as I was addicted to it. I didn't drink but water but I always drew a crowd and they never kicked me out. It was a wall of noise in there but if I had the paddles in my hands and someone gave me a quarter for the first game that noisy world disappeared as I rolled over free games:

    "Space Cadet". Never forget it.15yrs old.

    I never made any friends there but some times people would buy me food. Once, some one gave me alcohol and, least to say, I did not dignify myself that night with rolled over games - and - an angry barkeep cursed the perps as he cleaned up my sick. I was never allowed in the back door again.

    fast forward 25 years and Space Cadet showed up again as a windows XP game on 32 bit computers.

  • I love a good Uhane story!

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