For the men of the Group.. Intimacy problems?


Just a question for the men of the group, i was wondering if any of you have problems with intimacy especially close intimacy and physical relations.

I seem to have a huge problem with it and really struggle with the opposite sex in this area, oddly if it was a one off it wouldnt bother me as much but the idea of being so close with some makes me feel awkward. And enacting these situations means you have to be really close to someone which is causing me a lot of stress at the min.

Do other men in the group have these issues. Apologies if this isnt clear i have trouble explaining whats happening for me..


  • I find contact with the oposite sex easyer to be honest. Makes sence really. Growing up had contact with lots of male bullies and no female bullies. The only thing that's uncomfortable with the oposite sex is often I have the urge to do 'non platonic touching' in such moments. (please avoid sensationist conclusion jumping; I have self controle)

  • IS that the same with physical sexual intimacy?

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