House buying Mortgage

Hello you all lovely people! 

I was pointed here by NAS as I am trying to find some info on how ausitics cope with house buying 

I am very woobly at the moment about it to the point a slight sad song is setting me off. I cannot cope with uncertainty

Has anyone got any tips?  

  • I find for me the biggest hurdle is I'm in my 30s and I can't earn enough to be able to get a mortgage which seems to be a bigger bar all the time 

    Assuming you can get a mortgage there's lots of info online about the process so absorb the info as much as you can so you dont get any surprises I've done this list despite the fact om probably stuck renting forever but it's good to have the Info just in case 

  • I find for me the biggest hurdle is I'm in my 30s and I can't earn enough to be able to get a mortgage which seems to be a bigger bar all the time 

    Assuming you can get a mortgage there's lots of info online about the process so absorb the info as much as you can so you dont get any surprises I've done this list despite the fact om probably stuck renting forever but it's good to have the Info just in case 

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