House buying Mortgage

Hello you all lovely people! 

I was pointed here by NAS as I am trying to find some info on how ausitics cope with house buying 

I am very woobly at the moment about it to the point a slight sad song is setting me off. I cannot cope with uncertainty

Has anyone got any tips?  

  • Hi Shannon and welcome to the community!

    This government-backed website (previously called the Money Advice Service) offers free and impartial advice about financial matters including buying a new home.

    This particular article offers a step-by-step guide to the home-buying process, which you might find helpful:

    Money Helper - Buying a house or flat in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

    This NAS article also offers advice about your rights, as an autistic person, when dealing with financial services providers (along with other, related advice about money management):

    NAS - Managing money  

    There's also credit score-related information and advice here:

    Citizens Advice - How lenders decide whether to give you credit

  • Hi Shannon, I have just bought my first house with my wife and I'm moving in on Sunday, I'll be completely honest it's not been easy, but I had an honest conversation with my her and laid out my worries, and said she might have to put in a bit more of the mental labour on this with all the moving parts to ease the stress for me, so I'd do that first if you're buying with someone. The actual process of buying wasn't as bad as I thought actually, it's just all the uncertainty of when you'll actually move, and there are a few other things that I would have done differently if I was going to do it again:

    1. Ask the solicitor to send you a list of all the documentation you'll be receiving ahead of time (maybe some do, but I found it a bit chaotic not being sure if I'd sent something back already or what to expect), so you can keep track and check things off. Same with mortgage advisor.
    2. Make sure that you have no other significant life events going on for a couple of months leading up to your estimated completion date and after, I got married only a month ago, and that stress on top of work has made me much less capable in terms of coping with it all, and also try and save a good portion of annual leave for after the move. Make sure you allow time for plenty of rest.
    3. Packing has been the absolutely worst part, in future I would have gone through my belongings and got rid of things way ahead of time, and hired a moving company that also packs for you, it's more expensive of course but I wish I did that and I wouldn't have had panic attacks all week from the absolute chaos my flat is currently in.