I need to stop being a people pleaser

I have always been a "yes man".  I always go along with other people to avoid being seen as lazy or not interested.  Even if I can't keep those promises for whatever reason and that leads to people being disappointed.

I always struggle to say no, or that an activity or place is difficult for me to get to or if I'm not well enough to stick it out to the end.

I should say that the people I'm talking about are the job centre, social workers, volunteering organisations, etc.  Often thanks to my sometimes overbearing parent I'm made to feel like I am in debt to these people.

  • When I was looking for work I had advisors who would tell me to go to an open day or a job interview that made me uncomfortable but I'd say yes 

    Thank God I finally got out of this situation 

    I also had a relationship once where u would basically be "asked" if I was going the pub or if I'd stay home alone so she could go thr pub I'd always agree but it always made my life harder 

    At work I agree to alot of cover work but I have a rule if people want cover for a night out or something not important o say no

  • When I was looking for work I had advisors who would tell me to go to an open day or a job interview that made me uncomfortable but I'd say yes 

    Thank God I finally got out of this situation 

    I also had a relationship once where u would basically be "asked" if I was going the pub or if I'd stay home alone so she could go thr pub I'd always agree but it always made my life harder 

    At work I agree to alot of cover work but I have a rule if people want cover for a night out or something not important o say no

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