Waiting for diagnosis appointment - Initial assessment indicates autism and very high masking. Life flashing before eyes. Any advice?


  • You are not alone! I was/am mega high-masking too.

  • You kind of have to be in say the work place because most people dont understand disabilities and dont want to or they understand only what they have seen in another person 

    I find it easier  to mask than to explain everything in detail and most probably not get my words out right like if I try explain sound sensitivity people might think I just get headaches when that's not it at all but it's very hard to explain the overwhelming brain feeling 

    In an ideal world I'd find a work from home job that suited my needs sadly though I need a bigger house so I could have a office lol

  • I wrote everything down for my assessment, then, if I became unable to describe something, I could just point at part of the 'script'. Just having this 'insurance' available made me less anxious and more able to communicate effectively.

  • I wrote everything down for my assessment, then, if I became unable to describe something, I could just point at part of the 'script'. Just having this 'insurance' available made me less anxious and more able to communicate effectively.

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