Living alone, unemployed, no friends, minimal hobbies

Hi guys,

I'm proud of myself for managing to live by myself, though I didn't have a choice to be honest. Please don't ask why it is upsetting.for me. But it's lonely a lot. I'm quite introverted and have little hobbies. I have no friends at all, and only ever had acquaintances but with time people just become unkind or decide not to reply to messages. I'm on Universal Credit and do not want to go to university for various personal reasons. 

I wish I did have friends, but I've never met the right people. Plus being in a new area of London compared to where I grew up has caused me great stress. Adjusting to being in a different part of London has been so stressful. I often wish I had a friend that could help me with fashion sense, styling and organising the studio flat. It's been 5 months of being here and I'm still unsettled. I'm a stay at home kind of person, and this is fine, it's just hard when I am.not able to socialise really. I can talk a lot but then I can also be quiet. I've tried group and things but I never really enjoy them. And I never find a friend after going to sessions like that. Plus, I tend to prefer things in the local area as I dislike travel so that is another thing. I wish I had someone that could help me out a little you know. A friend.

3 or 4 friends would be fine if I had them. But they don't exist  I can only dream that I'll meet other kind people. I like to read fiction and watch kdramas, listen to kpop. And those are my limited interests. But I've began to lose interest in a lot of things because I'm still not settled here. I don't like being in a different area of London than my.hometown and its not easy anyway with the housing crisis. I would like to live with someone though, but where I'm at doesn't allow having another person. I wish I could move out to live with someone similar to me.

Is there someone out there that can be like a friend to me?

  • As a Londoner since birth and having lived in London my whole life, it is a stressful and daunting place to be. Especially if you are adjusting to living in a new area and being an introvert.

    I very much like to be at home. I have pushed myself recently to find new groups of people. I realised that I don't owe anyone anything. If I want to be sociable then I will, if I don't then I won't and if I go and go to be sociable then find I've had enough that I can leave without apologising. It's taken a long time to find those kinds of groups but they are out there. While you are at home, look into finding online or real life socials that might be suitable for you with like-minded people. It might not seem like they exist but I am certain that they do and if you find one that you think might work, you try it and it isn't for you then you may feel disappointed but move on to the next option. It's okay to feel like this but having the courage to reach out and keep trying is a good attitude to have.

    I'd be happy to help where I possibly can.

  • As a Londoner since birth and having lived in London my whole life, it is a stressful and daunting place to be. Especially if you are adjusting to living in a new area and being an introvert.

    I very much like to be at home. I have pushed myself recently to find new groups of people. I realised that I don't owe anyone anything. If I want to be sociable then I will, if I don't then I won't and if I go and go to be sociable then find I've had enough that I can leave without apologising. It's taken a long time to find those kinds of groups but they are out there. While you are at home, look into finding online or real life socials that might be suitable for you with like-minded people. It might not seem like they exist but I am certain that they do and if you find one that you think might work, you try it and it isn't for you then you may feel disappointed but move on to the next option. It's okay to feel like this but having the courage to reach out and keep trying is a good attitude to have.

    I'd be happy to help where I possibly can.

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