Have our lives been stolen from us?

To all the other single, jobless or not 30 somethings out there,

Do you feel like life has passed you by?  Where normies had social lives, had fun, got decent jobs, had families,

people like us fell through the cracks, living in others' shadows, persecuted for invisible differences and resigned to crappy job placements or stuck on the dole, trapped in our own boxes and too odd to be considered feasible friends, lovers, partners, etc.

  • I do feel like life has passed me by, for sure. But blaming society for not including us is a rough bet. Is our struggling to fit in a symptom of society's failures? Maybe. The purpose of a community is to promote mutual growth through using the strengths of some to cover for the weaknesses of others, after all. On the other hand, putting the responsibility on the community to accept and embrace us is Social Darwinism at work. If we stop making an effort to fit in, then instead of society, we take responsibility for our alienation entirely upon ourselves.

    I'm here on this site because I feel lonely, isolated and directionless. I'm hoping through engaging with you all here, opportunities to overcome that will present themselves. I'd like to make friends with people who understand what I'm going through. Learn from people who have overcome problems I'm facing. And hopefully before too long, figure out how to fit in with a larger community.

  • I do feel like life has passed me by, for sure. But blaming society for not including us is a rough bet. Is our struggling to fit in a symptom of society's failures? Maybe. The purpose of a community is to promote mutual growth through using the strengths of some to cover for the weaknesses of others, after all. On the other hand, putting the responsibility on the community to accept and embrace us is Social Darwinism at work. If we stop making an effort to fit in, then instead of society, we take responsibility for our alienation entirely upon ourselves.

    I'm here on this site because I feel lonely, isolated and directionless. I'm hoping through engaging with you all here, opportunities to overcome that will present themselves. I'd like to make friends with people who understand what I'm going through. Learn from people who have overcome problems I'm facing. And hopefully before too long, figure out how to fit in with a larger community.

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