Abit ASC and abit ADHD

My daughter has been through assessments for both ASC and ADHD. Neurodiverse characteristics were identified in both assessments, but she did not reach the clinical threshold for either, so is without a diagnosis. She is struggling with her identity as she knows that she finds challenges in life that she's observed others do not. What would be the best way to support her with this? I've suggested that she could still view herself as neurodiverse and we can support her in the areas she is struggling

  • Amongst autistics and ADHDers, there is a big idea of 'realisation' being more important than diagnosis. I think your approach of your last sentence is the best. Support her, believe her and love her for all that she is. This will work whether she is autistic or not.

  • Amongst autistics and ADHDers, there is a big idea of 'realisation' being more important than diagnosis. I think your approach of your last sentence is the best. Support her, believe her and love her for all that she is. This will work whether she is autistic or not.

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