Diagnosed on Tuesday

Hi all,

I am unsure where to start but I am really struggling at the moment.

I knew I was different all my life, the thoughts and the feelings I had. 

on Tuesday I was diagnosed with autism.

My sons are both on the spectrum and I saw a lot of traits of myself in them. 

I have done nothing but cry. Whilst things now make sense after 30 years but I am really struggling to process it all, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t really know who I truly am and that is the hardest thing. How do I unpick all the years of masking?

thank you x

  • The replies from the previous posters are good ones. I am just over a year on from my diagnosis and it had a great effect on me. I went through months of denial, grief for a lost life of missed opportunities and even anger.

    I can't tell you its all good and rosie but you do have to take time to just let the news sink in and process it. Do the usual read some books on adult autism, check to see if there is any support services in your area for a post diagnostic needs assessment ( good luck they are like hens teeth).


    Be kind to yourself when getting to know your autistic self. Masking is akin to an onion in that you have to peel back the layers to see what is inside. There is no right or wrong way, just go at the pace you are comfortable. 

  • The replies from the previous posters are good ones. I am just over a year on from my diagnosis and it had a great effect on me. I went through months of denial, grief for a lost life of missed opportunities and even anger.

    I can't tell you its all good and rosie but you do have to take time to just let the news sink in and process it. Do the usual read some books on adult autism, check to see if there is any support services in your area for a post diagnostic needs assessment ( good luck they are like hens teeth).


    Be kind to yourself when getting to know your autistic self. Masking is akin to an onion in that you have to peel back the layers to see what is inside. There is no right or wrong way, just go at the pace you are comfortable. 

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