Diagnosed on Tuesday

Hi all,

I am unsure where to start but I am really struggling at the moment.

I knew I was different all my life, the thoughts and the feelings I had. 

on Tuesday I was diagnosed with autism.

My sons are both on the spectrum and I saw a lot of traits of myself in them. 

I have done nothing but cry. Whilst things now make sense after 30 years but I am really struggling to process it all, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t really know who I truly am and that is the hardest thing. How do I unpick all the years of masking?

thank you x

  • Thank you, Mark.

    I have waves of intense emotion and have cried a hell of a lot. 
    I wasn’t expecting to feel this emotional, because you go through life getting used to how you are and you know yourself you’re different to everyone.

    i need to learn to be kind to myself.

    Thank you!Relaxed️ 

  • Thank you, Mark.

    I have waves of intense emotion and have cried a hell of a lot. 
    I wasn’t expecting to feel this emotional, because you go through life getting used to how you are and you know yourself you’re different to everyone.

    i need to learn to be kind to myself.

    Thank you!Relaxed️ 

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