Diagnosed on Tuesday

Hi all,

I am unsure where to start but I am really struggling at the moment.

I knew I was different all my life, the thoughts and the feelings I had. 

on Tuesday I was diagnosed with autism.

My sons are both on the spectrum and I saw a lot of traits of myself in them. 

I have done nothing but cry. Whilst things now make sense after 30 years but I am really struggling to process it all, I don’t even know where to start. I don’t really know who I truly am and that is the hardest thing. How do I unpick all the years of masking?

thank you x

  • Congratulations on your autism diagnosis. I was diagnosed last year, aged 41. I'm struggling with post-diagnosis grief more than ever, and I'm going to make a YouTube video about it. 

    You're allowed to cry and then cry some more. 'I don't really know who I truly am and that is the hardest thing' sums it up perfectly, You are not alone - there are so many late-diagnosed autistic adults experiencing grief, anger, and depression because they went through years of confusion and pain due to not knowing they're autistic.

    This is where the autism community comes in. Keep sharing and seeking support. 

  • Congratulations on your autism diagnosis. I was diagnosed last year, aged 41. I'm struggling with post-diagnosis grief more than ever, and I'm going to make a YouTube video about it. 

    You're allowed to cry and then cry some more. 'I don't really know who I truly am and that is the hardest thing' sums it up perfectly, You are not alone - there are so many late-diagnosed autistic adults experiencing grief, anger, and depression because they went through years of confusion and pain due to not knowing they're autistic.

    This is where the autism community comes in. Keep sharing and seeking support. 

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