re being teased as a child or adult

I just started the process of being diagnosed with autism with 'right to choose'. I also have  been diagnosed with adhd in June this year. 

The question I wanted to ask was about teasing. I was teased at age 9 yrs old because I developed a skin condition (which I grew out of). The teasing lasted til I left primary school. I remember there was a particular boy who teased me. I was lined up with my class one day and I kicked him and he kicked me back. I remember thinking that hurt and not going to that again. My parents never knew I was teased as I bottle it up. I think it was a subconscious decision because I thought I had to suck it up. I was brought up by a WW2 child who lived through air raids in London as a teenager. 

I chose to go to a girls school because I hated boys because of that. In secondary school I was never teased as far as I can remember (over 50 years ago ).

Fast forward to being an adult I still don't like being teased (even if its gently teasing). I thought it was because I was teased as a child, however I now realised that I don't understand I am being teased e.g. I just done an open water swim in a lake last Saturday. I went to church the next day and some people were teasing about the number of the lake. Each lake near there had a number.  I answered that I didn't know why it was called that number or that there were others. I thought they were being serious but they weren't. It took me a moment to realise they didn't want an explanation. 

Is this a characteristic of autism. Not understanding when people tease you?   

  • I now realize I have been teased and bulled my whole like. It is so normal for me. I still can't tell when I am being teased and the bullying has to become very severe and chronic before I even begin to consider it abnormal.

  • I am so sorry that you are and have been bullied. It should never consider that it is normal. People don't have the right to do this. Is there anyone or anything you can get help. As we say in schools zero tolerance and that how it should be for adults too. Shop have signs that their staff should not to treated disrespectfully and you should too. Get help it is NOT okay. 

  • Thank you for your kind words and your support.

    At this late stage of my life I am trapped. I still have zero social skills and interactions with people genuinely terrify me.

    I have even been mocked and bullied by a psychiatrist, which was not pleasant.

  • Thank you for your kind words and your support.

    At this late stage of my life I am trapped. I still have zero social skills and interactions with people genuinely terrify me.

    I have even been mocked and bullied by a psychiatrist, which was not pleasant.

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