re being teased as a child or adult

I just started the process of being diagnosed with autism with 'right to choose'. I also have  been diagnosed with adhd in June this year. 

The question I wanted to ask was about teasing. I was teased at age 9 yrs old because I developed a skin condition (which I grew out of). The teasing lasted til I left primary school. I remember there was a particular boy who teased me. I was lined up with my class one day and I kicked him and he kicked me back. I remember thinking that hurt and not going to that again. My parents never knew I was teased as I bottle it up. I think it was a subconscious decision because I thought I had to suck it up. I was brought up by a WW2 child who lived through air raids in London as a teenager. 

I chose to go to a girls school because I hated boys because of that. In secondary school I was never teased as far as I can remember (over 50 years ago ).

Fast forward to being an adult I still don't like being teased (even if its gently teasing). I thought it was because I was teased as a child, however I now realised that I don't understand I am being teased e.g. I just done an open water swim in a lake last Saturday. I went to church the next day and some people were teasing about the number of the lake. Each lake near there had a number.  I answered that I didn't know why it was called that number or that there were others. I thought they were being serious but they weren't. It took me a moment to realise they didn't want an explanation. 

Is this a characteristic of autism. Not understanding when people tease you?   

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