Ideas and suggestions


So feel a bit weird being here. I have not been diagnosed with Autism, but recently got referred to my GPs mental health consultant and after my assessment he indicated that I had strong Autistic traits. I am not sure what that means, he didn't really elaborate, and I am a recluse and was under so much stress being out and down the doctors surgery that I just couldn't think of anything other than getting out of there.

I originally went down there because I have bounced out of work again, struggling to be functional. It is something I have been through before, but this time seems worse, I can't seem to work around it like I normally do. I'm used to 'pretending to be normal' but right now that ability seems to have abandoned me. I naturally did some reading, and came across the phrase Autistic Burnout on here. This sound exactly like what I go through, but I am also aware it is easy to feel affinity for symptoms and it just be coincidence.

There doesn't seem to be any help forth coming in the short term, but without work I will be homeless in 10 months (I will run out of money and my tenancy ends). It is just me, so there is no one to help out. I need to start working the problem, and at this point I am willing to try anything. It might turn out to be a mis-diagnosis but I would be interested what people here do to combat and recover from Autistic Burnout. I thought a little trial and error might at least eliminate some things. Getting a bit desperate now, so any suggestions would be helpful.


  • Hi moon scribe and welcome to the forum.

    I too had burn out when I found out I was very likely on the spectrum, and I could no longer work full time, but luckily I was able to reduce my working hours. Telling my employers what was happening with me and talking to colleagues about how I was feeling also helped.

    I noticed that you said you work from home. I know that suits a lot of people, but I could not do it - my home is my sanctuary and when I was working (I'm retired now) I needed separation between work and home, to enable me to mostly forget work when I was at home so I could get a rest from it.

    Think about if there are any changes you could implement that could help you. Would you be able to do an office based job (not necessarily in the area you work now, maybe a different role) so that you have support from others and can "switch off" when you get home? Can you move to a cheaper place or reduce your spending in other ways? (If you have a car, can you sell it and use public transport or walk/cycle, for instance?)

    Good luck, and continue to post any questions you have - we'll try to help.

  • Hi Pixiefox,

    The only time I leave the house is to go shopping, which is very stressful, but I can just about manage the 10 minutes I am in the shop once a week. I pre-plan what I am buying, know where all of it is on the shelves, and stick to the self serve so I don't have to interact with people. So anything other than working from home isn't really an option. I tend to fall to pieces if I have to interact directly with other people. It is just me, no friends or family, so I don't really have to deal with other people.

    I am on a fixed term tenancy until July next year, it is my rent that is most of my costs, and so I can't do anything about it until then. If I can't find a way of working I will have to move out and I think I will choose to be homeless. In reality all I could afford would be shared accommodation and for me that would be just constant anxiety and I'd likely end up harming myself. My back up plan is to take my tent and live 'wild' in Scotland out in the middle of nowhere. It isn't much of a plan, but right now I don't have many options. I think I could potentially pick up some seasonal work fruit picking. I expect when you are in the fields you are alone, so I might be able to do that. Like I said, not really a great idea, but it is the only choice I can control right now so it is all I have.

  • Hi Pixiefox,

    The only time I leave the house is to go shopping, which is very stressful, but I can just about manage the 10 minutes I am in the shop once a week. I pre-plan what I am buying, know where all of it is on the shelves, and stick to the self serve so I don't have to interact with people. So anything other than working from home isn't really an option. I tend to fall to pieces if I have to interact directly with other people. It is just me, no friends or family, so I don't really have to deal with other people.

    I am on a fixed term tenancy until July next year, it is my rent that is most of my costs, and so I can't do anything about it until then. If I can't find a way of working I will have to move out and I think I will choose to be homeless. In reality all I could afford would be shared accommodation and for me that would be just constant anxiety and I'd likely end up harming myself. My back up plan is to take my tent and live 'wild' in Scotland out in the middle of nowhere. It isn't much of a plan, but right now I don't have many options. I think I could potentially pick up some seasonal work fruit picking. I expect when you are in the fields you are alone, so I might be able to do that. Like I said, not really a great idea, but it is the only choice I can control right now so it is all I have.

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