Ideas and suggestions


So feel a bit weird being here. I have not been diagnosed with Autism, but recently got referred to my GPs mental health consultant and after my assessment he indicated that I had strong Autistic traits. I am not sure what that means, he didn't really elaborate, and I am a recluse and was under so much stress being out and down the doctors surgery that I just couldn't think of anything other than getting out of there.

I originally went down there because I have bounced out of work again, struggling to be functional. It is something I have been through before, but this time seems worse, I can't seem to work around it like I normally do. I'm used to 'pretending to be normal' but right now that ability seems to have abandoned me. I naturally did some reading, and came across the phrase Autistic Burnout on here. This sound exactly like what I go through, but I am also aware it is easy to feel affinity for symptoms and it just be coincidence.

There doesn't seem to be any help forth coming in the short term, but without work I will be homeless in 10 months (I will run out of money and my tenancy ends). It is just me, so there is no one to help out. I need to start working the problem, and at this point I am willing to try anything. It might turn out to be a mis-diagnosis but I would be interested what people here do to combat and recover from Autistic Burnout. I thought a little trial and error might at least eliminate some things. Getting a bit desperate now, so any suggestions would be helpful.


  • Hi Moon Scribe.

    Love the name.

    Sounds like you're at the start of what could be a potentially difficult and confusing time, trying to get answers and investigating, learning as much as you can. This period comes with moments of clarity and relief,  but also moments of doubt and internal conflict. Just try to go with the flow of it and know that although it might not come easy at times, the learning journey is worth it. Hang in there. 

    As for burnout, that involves my least favourite word "patience". There is sadly no quick fix. Give yourself time, no expectations. Rest and do things you enjoy that don't take much energy. Allow yourself to be what seems lazy, and remind yourself that it's not laziness, it's being a friend to yourself and giving yourself what you need.

    Sorry you are currently out of employment, that stress and pressure won't be helping you. I wish I could suggest something helpful, maybe someone else here can for you.

    Once you have recovered, can I suggest that you continue to be gentle with yourself, recognise when you're feeling depleted and reign life in a bit to help you manage and prevent burnout again. I'm currently at this stage, I don't yet if it's working, time will tell on that, and I may need to periodically make adjustments, which you may need to also.

    Wishing you the best.

  • HOLY MOSES.........IS THAT YOU.......THE PIKL ?!?!

    It is SO, SO lovely to see you back here mate!  Believe it or not, I have thought about you very often recently, and I am really, (no, really) delighted to see you back.  I have been (most genuinely) quite worried about you - and no - I cannot explain why.

    You have made my evening!  Thank you.

  • Hey Number,

    Funnily enough I've been finding myself wondering how're your doing lately. Thought I'd sneak on and see how the forum is going. It's so so nice to connect with you again, it's been awhile. 

  • Hey Number,

    Funnily enough I've been finding myself wondering how're your doing lately. Thought I'd sneak on and see how the forum is going. It's so so nice to connect with you again, it's been awhile. 

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