How likely do austitic people and people with comorbid mental problems get PIPs?

Diagnosed with autism, ptsd, depression and anxiety

However, I am a high functioning autistic with a uni degree and a job

What do I do now?

  • Hi NAS95890,

    I have PIP for another condition, but as mentioned by others try the Benefits and Work website as it's good resource for information. There is also the pipinfo website that explains the key concepts of applying for PIP, online tests and PIP Caser Law.

    From my own expereience (whether in or out of work), the main point you need to consider for each question is:

    To be assessed as able to carry out an activity to the level described in a descriptor, a claimant must satisfy the descriptor “reliably”, that is: safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and in reasonable time.

    The above applies to everything from walking, eating, cooking, bathing, travelling, etc. The issue isn't if you're able to do those things but if trying to do those things repeatedly has implications on your health.

  • Hi NAS95890,

    I have PIP for another condition, but as mentioned by others try the Benefits and Work website as it's good resource for information. There is also the pipinfo website that explains the key concepts of applying for PIP, online tests and PIP Caser Law.

    From my own expereience (whether in or out of work), the main point you need to consider for each question is:

    To be assessed as able to carry out an activity to the level described in a descriptor, a claimant must satisfy the descriptor “reliably”, that is: safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and in reasonable time.

    The above applies to everything from walking, eating, cooking, bathing, travelling, etc. The issue isn't if you're able to do those things but if trying to do those things repeatedly has implications on your health.

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