Responding to someone who is very blunt

What is the best way to teach your children how to respond to an autistic adult who is very blunt and opinionated? It comes across as being very rude although it is not intended to be that way. 

  • I think this autistic adult should hopefully be aware they're talking to children, but may need reminding depending on what they're saying. As for your kids, I think it's important to teach them that being direct and blunt, while it can sound hurtful, doesn't have to come from a place intending to cause harm. But again, that depends on what's actually being said to them.

  • I think this autistic adult should hopefully be aware they're talking to children, but may need reminding depending on what they're saying. As for your kids, I think it's important to teach them that being direct and blunt, while it can sound hurtful, doesn't have to come from a place intending to cause harm. But again, that depends on what's actually being said to them.

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