Non-Crime Hate Incidents - Code.

This feels incredibly dangerous for Autistics - has anyone read this completely? Does anyone at the @NAS @mod know if there is legal assistance and if there is an Emergency number for any incident involving the misrepresentation and misunderstanding when Autistics are falsely accused?

At a younger age, even late into my 20s and 30s I would've re-stated things I'd heard others say to try and seem agreeable to others around, to fit in, to try to make friends, and severely misunderstood the context. Or a thing is accidentally said backwards or with the wrong vocabulary due to maturing slower, due to a difficulty with words. Around 30 I learned: Anything I say can and will be held against me. This felt unfair, but I kept repeating that phrase to myself.

"A non-crime hate incident (NCHI) means an incident or alleged incident which involves or is alleged to involve an act by a person (‘the subject’) which is perceived by a person other than the subject to be motivated - wholly or partly - by hostility or prejudice towards persons with a particular characteristic."

  • I think this is something right wing autistics will be worried by. I am not concerned by it all.

  • I'm concerned about anyone under 35 (and possibly older) who has yet to learn just how different they are from Typical society. Just how different they use vocabulary and just how an intense internal sense of justice might be due to a misperception or misinterpretation of a thing (just as we are daily misunderstood). 

    The Fascism of the Left can be as seductive as the Authoritarian of the Right. These breed a type of deception of inclusion through a demand of loyalty and Autistics won't catch the rules of these games. We are extremely vulnerable.

  • I disagree that a Fascism of the Left exists.  It's oxymoronic. I bid you good day.  Also your we does not include me. I think hate crimes should be punished. And I support this legislation.

  • In my experience, most autistics aren't here to dominate and 'win' at an argument for the sake of winning. That's how the NT world works and it's not at all enlivening or interesting.

    In my experence autistic people take a difrent aproch to arguments. The default position is 'I am right; prove me wrong.' Where as NTs like to test the tempriture in the room with some vuage statments and then formulate their argument more fully after they know where others in the room stand. Personally I think the autistic way is better.

    The autistic way is not combative because they are obsesed with being seen as right. It's combative because they are sure they are right. If you poke a fatal flaw in their logic their opinions actually change (not nessiserally in the interlocutor's favior). At which point the NT arguing with them will accuse them of 'changing the goal posts' or 'not being consistant.'

  • You apreciate 'non crime hate incidents' are not crimes hate or otherwise? They are little notes the police make in the dossiers they keep about people when they did something that wasn't a crime that upset someone. Maybe you don't see that as sinsister ... I certainly do, but either way by definition what we are talking about are not crimes.

  • Dear NAS95845 

    We would like to remind you of Rule 5 of our community: 

    Rule 5: Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated. 

    Kind regards

    Liz Mod  

  • Nothing to say about the Left and Fascism then?  Your claims about that are false.    I believe in the truth.

    Great attempt at deflection though.

    If you're going to lie to me I'm going to call you out on it. Pandering to autistics as though they are babies with no agency is your politics, not mine.

    People who commit hate crimes are abhorrent. Why do you  see yourself in such people?

  • Nothing to say about the Left and Fascism then?  Your claims about that are false.    I believe in the truth.

    Great attempt at deflection though.

    If you're going to lie to me I'm going to call you out on it. Pandering to autistics as though they are babies with no agency is your politics, not mine.

    People who commit hate crimes are abhorrent. Why do you  see yourself in such people?

  • You apreciate 'non crime hate incidents' are not crimes hate or otherwise? They are little notes the police make in the dossiers they keep about people when they did something that wasn't a crime that upset someone. Maybe you don't see that as sinsister ... I certainly do, but either way by definition what we are talking about are not crimes.

  • Dear NAS95845 

    We would like to remind you of Rule 5 of our community: 

    Rule 5: Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated. 

    Kind regards

    Liz Mod