Update on Confused post .Still confused.

So following my post from almost a fortnight ago, I'm still confused. 


So the guy I mentioned before, has continued to give me gifts. And I believe even flirted with me.

So I asked a third party to offer him my phone number. She later told me that he does want me in his life, but he is not looking for a romantic relationship. More companionship. And I'm okay with that, I think.

But she also said that he doesn't want my number just yet because he needs to process the situation. I kind of get this (as i too am Autistic), but I feel like I'm getting mixed messages from him.

Why would someone behave in that way (gift giving and flirting) if they didn't want a friendship to develop into something more ? So, what is there to process ?

Him not wanting my number feels a bit like rejection or game playing if I'm honest. And this is making me feel like I want to withdraw, and not go to the group that we both attend anymore.

Am I looking at this all wrong ? 

Please be kind, I'm fragile. 

  • I've no advice, but wanted to acknowledge your post. Relationships are super tough. For us, tripley so. I don't think there is anything more that you can do other than be clear that you would like to take it further if he is ever ready, but you respect their current position and then back off. Chasing people doesn't really work, except in books/TV. 

    I'd stick with the group if you can.

  • Thank you Mark.

    I'd never chase anyone. 

    The group isn't until the end of next week. I just don't want it to be awkward. I battle with anxiety as it is. All this stress, just for friendship. It's crazy.

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