Is it ok to have preferences?

I am not attracted to the people local to my area, they seem uninteresting.

Yesterday I went to my local supermarket and saw a young lady working there, she was tall, slim with lovely brown hair and, helping an elderly customer, spoke with an accent that was perhaps American or Canadian, I don't know.

I also like the idols I see in music videos and entertainment videos they feature in showing their talent, personality and unique looks.

Once in a while I spot a girl wearing a pretty outfit that catches my eye.

To me they are a breath of fresh air compared to the local people who I find not interesting and run of the mill, no offence intended.

Regarding the title I often prefer women with black or brown hair and brown eyes with a slim or average build not covered in tattoos like most people in my town.  I value personality most of all.

Sorry for rambling I am battling heartburn right now and can't sleep.

  • Have you ever tried to get to know the women you disparage so much? How do you know they don't have a great personality?

    Obviously looks count and there are things I find unattractive in a man, but I find these matter less if they have a good personality and are intellectually stimulating, the out meat suit becomes less important. If you go chasing the perfection of media personalities and Hollywood actors then you will be doomed to disapontment, what you see is often a carefully crafted public persona and not the reality.

  • Whoa, I'm not disparaging anybody, it's just an opinion.

    (edited by moderator) why is everyone so ready to go to war over everything nowadays.

    Maybe I'll just shut the *** up from now on then to make everyone happy :)

  • Just a tad overreactive there. 

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