Is it worth asking for diagnoisis

Sorry if spellings are wrong or anything 

I have dypraxia and am wondering if i may have autism or if its just part of dypraxia

I dont deal well with stress it causes mind fog anger sadness but like to the extreme

I dont really like modern technogly and prefer tactile things with buttons wheels sliders and toggle switches

I prefer to watch my tv using older and in my opinion more interesting tech like cable and radio waves 

Its not that i cant deal with social situations but i try to second guess someones mood or thoughts and if its say a work colleuge i will stick to the same subjects oyher wisei might struggle to get a conversation going 

I dont like certain noises (i used to lohe loud music but over time ive come to hate it and i now find i need a weaker speaker to avoud over load)

An unexpected knock at the door brings out an overwhelming fear for sometimes the whole day

I find i will be at an exyreme end of any given situatiob like either im loving a group gathering or it causes me a headache and brian fog 

I work in a shop and i find a little bit of hapoiness in nimber patterns in peoples bill total like 23.24 or 19.97 ao sequences or years

I prefer warm lights like yellow or orange to pute white or blue 

My interests kind of come and go snd come again in waves but for example when i got into phoyigraphy i bought 3 digi cameras 5 film ones and 2 instant and learned all the methods best for each

I like certain touch sensations like a warm mug or the gravel on a wall

I enjoy being a dnd games master but will eun the story exactly as written using the exact rules and i need to fully understand the rules of a game before playing or at a push reading thr rules out aloud step by step as i play

On the sound side of things ear defenders are  agreat help it calms me.

I think i want to know if i have asd or anyother nd condtion incase i ever change job as i do struge to work with new people

On the subject of work during my shift i plan what time i will take breaks as i have to split my time a certain way to make my daya tasks easier 

Its a bit long and i may if missed stuff out bit i wanya  few opinions could it be asd or perhaps another nd condtion

Oh and before i forget i dislike the idea of getting a diffreny type of accomodation on my holiday or going to a holiday park thats not in the same area or is run too diffrently 

I also find the idea of doing everything online a knihhtmare as i cant see the thing i want to buy or i csnt put a dvd in or look at a tv magszine 

One more thing wjicj typing tv mags reminded me i like the smell of certain tjings like certain paper types or the scent of a local train station(sort of a sterile yet fabric smell)

  • I will take a look thanks 

  • Hello ,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with the Community. Our website has a lot of useful information about diagnosis, including a pre-diagnosis guide for adults who think they might be autistic.  We also have advice about broaching the subject if you have a family member or friend who you think may be autistic.   


    You can also browse our website for lots of other advice and guidance on a wide range of information about autism, including what autism is, socialising and relationships, employment, benefits and social care.  
    To find diagnostic services in your local area, you can try searching on our Autism Services Directory, which can be found here.  The Directory also includes listings for support and social groups for autistic people, their families and friends. 

    All the best,

    Chloe Mod

  • Ive just done a few diffrent ones and took the advuce it gave not to overthink answers got to say it was haed to undeesysnd some questions so i had to try re reading it bur yes the advice seems to be ask my gp for a referal which i wilk do on a day off work 

    I honeaetly feel this may explain whh i have certain struggles in life like dont get me wromg i live going out bit i feel safer at home 

    I get so easily overwhelmed even by my own interest so i feel some help fidning ways to cope when i hit thag wall will be needed 

    Its like one day i might love watching my tv shows bit the next day it feels like if i watcj one show ive overloaded om information 

    Also i keep all my things in a tidy place and like to see what i have bit the next day i feel the need to reorganise it into a cupboard and have someyhing less visual om display 

    New situations overwhelm me thr most like im plannong to join a train group but the fear of meeting the other members scares me even though i know it will he fun to meet them as we all share a love for the same train 

  • A useful thing to do would be to take some online autism tests. AQ10 and AQ50 (sometimes called just 'AQ') are the most commonly used by clinicians in this country, but the RAADS-R is the most definitive. They can be found here:

    If you score in the autism range it will give you more certainty about following up on a  possible diagnosis.

  • Oh and one more thing

    Socks ... i have to wear socks i can go a shorr period in bed without or mabie 1 night if im too tired to find some but i neef socks asap after a bath