Child free

After reflecting on my earlier life and the state of things now I am secure in my decision to be child free, that is voluntarily never having children.

Even if things were different, I would not have changed my mind due to concerns of passing on an illness or lifelong condition, bullying and isolation and how dangerous and volatile the world has become.

Even as a single man, I think it's still important to know where one stands on the matter.

  • Having kids is fun rewarding but very tough speicaly if your child has asd as one of mine does 

    Which is why im trying to find out what my nd condtion is so i can find ways to help us both 

    That said having children is a choice and its fime to not want them 

    On how dsngerous the world csn be many people will say im wromg for this bit i wont let my child use social media or visit unknow websites and id rather they look up tjings in bools than isijg google so they get it from a checked sorce 

    I my self dony like the ourside world but i will socialuse just om my terms not on sociteies terms 

    My idea of a good night out is playing ttading card games or aomething like that not going the pub been there done that and looking back i wasyes time on something that was bad for me in terms of social situations

    Not saying you will ever chsnge your mind but if you do make sure your partner is on your wave lenth trust me it helps so much ... i have suffered so much thorough relatiobships thay i now see were manipulative and thank god i never waned to start a famiky untill i finaly found someone who undeestood me.

  • Having kids is fun rewarding but very tough speicaly if your child has asd as one of mine does 

    Which is why im trying to find out what my nd condtion is so i can find ways to help us both 

    That said having children is a choice and its fime to not want them 

    On how dsngerous the world csn be many people will say im wromg for this bit i wont let my child use social media or visit unknow websites and id rather they look up tjings in bools than isijg google so they get it from a checked sorce 

    I my self dony like the ourside world but i will socialuse just om my terms not on sociteies terms 

    My idea of a good night out is playing ttading card games or aomething like that not going the pub been there done that and looking back i wasyes time on something that was bad for me in terms of social situations

    Not saying you will ever chsnge your mind but if you do make sure your partner is on your wave lenth trust me it helps so much ... i have suffered so much thorough relatiobships thay i now see were manipulative and thank god i never waned to start a famiky untill i finaly found someone who undeestood me.

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