Child free

After reflecting on my earlier life and the state of things now I am secure in my decision to be child free, that is voluntarily never having children.

Even if things were different, I would not have changed my mind due to concerns of passing on an illness or lifelong condition, bullying and isolation and how dangerous and volatile the world has become.

Even as a single man, I think it's still important to know where one stands on the matter.

  • I think it's good you've got a solid opinion on this - I struggle with a lot of life's certainties, I'm capable of talking myself around to be anything.  Your confidence in being childless is good.

    I've no reason (or desire) to talk you out of anything, but just as a thought experiment, what would you think should you meet someone who really wanted to start a family?

    Or perhaps they're a new parent of a baby, and you wanted to be a part of their lives?

    Is there something about you as an individual which having children present in your life wouldn't be possible, or would you be open to the idea of children in these circumstances?

  • I think it's good you've got a solid opinion on this - I struggle with a lot of life's certainties, I'm capable of talking myself around to be anything.  Your confidence in being childless is good.

    I've no reason (or desire) to talk you out of anything, but just as a thought experiment, what would you think should you meet someone who really wanted to start a family?

    Or perhaps they're a new parent of a baby, and you wanted to be a part of their lives?

    Is there something about you as an individual which having children present in your life wouldn't be possible, or would you be open to the idea of children in these circumstances?

  • I just don't like kids in general, and I'm prone to sensory overload and need plenty of time to cool off and recharge.

    Also I still remember the school bullying, the loneliness, the lack of meaningful support and my parents' frustration with the lack of specialists and not being able to properly help me at the time.

    I never had much desire to meet anyone and now those desires have diminished to the point of irrelevance.