Autistic Dating Sites / Groups?

Hi, I'm 28F and I've never been in a relationship. I'm asexual and have never experienced sexual attraction, so any attempts I've ever made into dating have fallen flat when it became clear I didn't want to do anything beyond kissing and cuddling. I've tried some ace dating sites but I struggle with making conversation on there, and I think it's because the people I'm speaking to are neurotypical and don't understand that I don't like to go out and socialise as much as most people my age. Has anyone ever tried any sort of group or site aimed at matching people on the spectrum? I would like to try and see if I could find someone that understands my differences a bit better.

  • Welcome! There's a few like 'Hiki' but the reviews of that aren't great.

    My personal advice, if you want it, would be to utilise places like this to at least get to know other autistic people on a friendly level, and then see where you go. I feel that might be best for you.

  • Welcome! There's a few like 'Hiki' but the reviews of that aren't great.

    My personal advice, if you want it, would be to utilise places like this to at least get to know other autistic people on a friendly level, and then see where you go. I feel that might be best for you.

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