Find certain sounds annoying!

I stay with my parents on the weekend and I find certain sounds really annoying. Normally I am able to grin and bear it but recently due to a meltdown my sensory processing is a lot harder and I get a bit angry when I hear certain sounds.

For example, when we all have ice creams in the evening on the sofa my Dad will wait until we’ve all finished- (to take the freezer chill off it apparently), and then crunch away on his ice cream which I find unbearable. Recently I’ve been putting my hands over my ears and I unfortunately make a big scene and Dad gets cross.

Does anyone else struggle with processing certain sounds? I also really hate the sound of tin foil.

Today we had a fry up and all the sounds of things beeping, bacon sizzling & heat from the stove meant I had to leave the room for a few seconds before coming back and feeling better. I think that is a bit different though as there’s other sensory processing going on such as the heat and smells and I get more angry with certain sounds all of a sudden happening. (Although how stressed I get by it depends on how I’m feeling).

I was reading online that a suggestion is to put some earphones in. I have Apple AirPods but am worried I would look rude putting them in out of the blue.

Any advice would be most welcome, thanks in advance! 

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