Harry potter

so today I have been thinking about Harry potter alot and thought I would make a thread for it for when I want to talk to others. here people can talk about Harry potter specificaly 

by making a thread on the topic specificaly it will help me better cause when im on Harry potter, pokemon, wildlife, or whatever it is i struggle with transitioning from one topic to another cause of my Autism so I have made one Harry potter specificaly where people can talk about aboloutly anything movies, books, characters etc talk about the films and stuff or whatever but to avoid any comfusion on the thread and any diffucultys for my autism with conversations and staying  clear what its about no one will get comfused and it will be easyer for me to have conversations with other members. for Pokemon Iv done a thread here dedicated to it just like with this Harry Potter one https://community.autism.org.uk/f/adults-on-the-autistic-spectrum/38921/chats-about-pokemon

  • I know there is people who like Harry potter here. just in case by bad luck that its been mainly  those who arnt  interested in Harry Potter and the Harry Potter thread that have stumbled on it and that  those who do has missed it as previosly  does anyone have any favourate Harry Potter films? if you do which one is your favourate?  Iv said mine already in my first comment and I know people like it  so naturaly I  thought I would ask to try and help start the thread off

    also it keeps getting pushed down and  missed aswell. I started the thread on the 31st August and its the 2nd September now 

  • I love Harry Potter! definitely one of my longest and most intense special interests! My favourite film is order of the phoenix, coz the thestrals are just so amazing, and also it is the film that my favourite character, Luna Lovegood, has her first real appearance. I love how Luna is just so unapologeteically quirky and true to herself, and really doesn't care at all what other people think, not to mention she's sooooo PRETTY OMG! (yes she is my celebrity crush, and likely always will be XD).

    In terms of storyline though, i think my favourite character is probably snape, because he's just got such a unique and twisted backstory, working for the dark lord, then spying on dumbledore, then switching sides and working for dumbledore, spying on voldemort, not to mention the whole loving lily all his life since they were kids, and his patronus is the doe, the same as hers, even "after all these years", i just find that really wholesome.

    In terms of favourite book however, I think either Goblet of Fire or Chamber of secrets is my favourite book, as the descriptions and imagery in these 2 books in particular are truly amazing, and the main reason i enjoyed english and writing so much in school was for the creative writing part of the lessons, where i would try to describe characters and objects and places in a similar level of detail to Rowling. 

    my favourite non-human character has got to be Dobby, closely followed by Buckbeak, Peeves, Fawkes, and Fang, however i also really love all the owls, my favourite owl from the harry potter series is Probably Errol, coz i just love great greys, and the HP series really captures the graceful but also extremely clumsy nature of these beautiful creatures, as great grey owls, both in the wild and in captivity are often very graceful in flight, but less so when it comes to landing and navigating around objects, due to their expansive wingspan.

  • thats interesting. thanks for shareing that. 

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