Harry potter

so today I have been thinking about Harry potter alot and thought I would make a thread for it for when I want to talk to others. here people can talk about Harry potter specificaly 

by making a thread on the topic specificaly it will help me better cause when im on Harry potter, pokemon, wildlife, or whatever it is i struggle with transitioning from one topic to another cause of my Autism so I have made one Harry potter specificaly where people can talk about aboloutly anything movies, books, characters etc talk about the films and stuff or whatever but to avoid any comfusion on the thread and any diffucultys for my autism with conversations and staying  clear what its about no one will get comfused and it will be easyer for me to have conversations with other members. for Pokemon Iv done a thread here dedicated to it just like with this Harry Potter one https://community.autism.org.uk/f/adults-on-the-autistic-spectrum/38921/chats-about-pokemon

  • I wouldn't worry too much, Zo. There is quite a high turnover of people here, and also people take breaks.

    (It is worrying me that you were up so late, when you have to get up early for your long trip!)

    Anyway, I'm older, but watched the films because of my niece. I related most to Sirius Black, and he is my favorite character. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite of the films. I only finished the last one a few weeks ago. I've not read the books (not likely to), but I will probably watch the prequels soon, because they have appeared on Netflix.

    I bought the Lego Harry Potter bundle for my Switch to play when my niece or nephews are here. I genuinely have found it a lot of fun, and I have had to use all my will power not to play it when they are not here. We are only about half way through the first story, and it includes all seven, so it will take a long long time to finish.

  • I wouldn't worry too much, Zo. There is quite a high turnover of people here, and also people take breaks.

    (It is worrying me that you were up so late, when you have to get up early for your long trip!)

    Anyway, I'm older, but watched the films because of my niece. I related most to Sirius Black, and he is my favorite character. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite of the films. I only finished the last one a few weeks ago. I've not read the books (not likely to), but I will probably watch the prequels soon, because they have appeared on Netflix.

    I bought the Lego Harry Potter bundle for my Switch to play when my niece or nephews are here. I genuinely have found it a lot of fun, and I have had to use all my will power not to play it when they are not here. We are only about half way through the first story, and it includes all seven, so it will take a long long time to finish.

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