Autistic teacher - possible adjustments

I recently received my diagnosis at nearly 29 years old.

I am a teacher in a SEND school, and the diagnosis came during  the summer holidays, so no one knows yet, but I am planning to inform people when we return next week.

I'll start by saying - I love my job. It is difficult, exhausting and often frustrating, but it is also incredibly fulfilling and I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

My issue is that the exhaustion can become difficult to manage, especially later on in half terms, and I think I may occasionally experience burnout. I am trying to think if there are adjustments I can ask for that may support me, and I wanted to post here to see if anyone - teacher or not - could share things they have asked for in work that can help. 

I think part of why I am struggling is that there are things that I think might help, but I would feel guilty asking for them. For example - in my school all staff have two duties a day, break and lunch, leaving us with only 20 minutes of 'student free' time in the day. Yes I find this very tiring and overwhelming, but so do the other neuro typical staff members and so I can't see myself asking for that adjustment.

Thank you in advance for any ideas you have.

  • I know of teachers who have asked for lighting to be changed and desks and chairs to be fitted with pads to cut down on screeching noises when they are moved by the children. Requests for additional clarification on management instructions are also 'reasonable accommodations' if they are not clear.  

  • I know of teachers who have asked for lighting to be changed and desks and chairs to be fitted with pads to cut down on screeching noises when they are moved by the children. Requests for additional clarification on management instructions are also 'reasonable accommodations' if they are not clear.  

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