When masturbation is boring

Lately masturbation has become a chore and no longer as satisfying as it used to be.  Even the rush of feel good brain chemicals from climaxing wears off after a short time and I wouldn't say I do it excessively.

  • Masturbation to porn acts like a drug. It can be addictive and habit forming and you need more, different or extreme material to get the same pleasure.

    The simplest solution is to take a break. Go without for a week (or longer) and you'll find that the tamest porn is very satisfying and pleasurable. And it may reset your dopamine system to some extent so everything in your life feels more rewarding.

  • Masturbation to porn acts like a drug. It can be addictive and habit forming and you need more, different or extreme material to get the same pleasure.

    The simplest solution is to take a break. Go without for a week (or longer) and you'll find that the tamest porn is very satisfying and pleasurable. And it may reset your dopamine system to some extent so everything in your life feels more rewarding.

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