When masturbation is boring

Lately masturbation has become a chore and no longer as satisfying as it used to be.  Even the rush of feel good brain chemicals from climaxing wears off after a short time and I wouldn't say I do it excessively.

  • I'm aware that some meds can mute or diminish sexual arousal, I'm not currently medicated. Although for some reason I don't seem to get the endorphin or dopamine rush, which makes sex and masturbation somewhat the perfunctory, a very limited means to an end.

    As others have said that changing things up can help. Wether it's with toys or whichever type of pornography floats your boat or maybe something off your usual preference. 

    Abstaining may help reset/refresh your response to these hormones.

    Sex and masturbation are something that people are often weird about discussing, it's a perfectly natural act.

  • I'm aware that some meds can mute or diminish sexual arousal, I'm not currently medicated. Although for some reason I don't seem to get the endorphin or dopamine rush, which makes sex and masturbation somewhat the perfunctory, a very limited means to an end.

    As others have said that changing things up can help. Wether it's with toys or whichever type of pornography floats your boat or maybe something off your usual preference. 

    Abstaining may help reset/refresh your response to these hormones.

    Sex and masturbation are something that people are often weird about discussing, it's a perfectly natural act.

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