When masturbation is boring

Lately masturbation has become a chore and no longer as satisfying as it used to be.  Even the rush of feel good brain chemicals from climaxing wears off after a short time and I wouldn't say I do it excessively.

  • I’ve been doing it for years, even though I have partner, I’m not really satisfied with sex. Self care is best for me (I’m female). Sometimes the Happy End is so strong that I get exhausted afterwards, sometimes I get panic attacks during or after physical contact with man, so maybe that’s one of the reason that I prefer being intimate with myself. As a teenager I did it few times a day even if I didn’t want it anymore. Now I rarely can have any satisfaction out of any sexual activity because of my meds (side effects) 

  • I’ve been doing it for years, even though I have partner, I’m not really satisfied with sex. Self care is best for me (I’m female). Sometimes the Happy End is so strong that I get exhausted afterwards, sometimes I get panic attacks during or after physical contact with man, so maybe that’s one of the reason that I prefer being intimate with myself. As a teenager I did it few times a day even if I didn’t want it anymore. Now I rarely can have any satisfaction out of any sexual activity because of my meds (side effects) 

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