When masturbation is boring

Lately masturbation has become a chore and no longer as satisfying as it used to be.  Even the rush of feel good brain chemicals from climaxing wears off after a short time and I wouldn't say I do it excessively.

  • Even the rush of feel good brain chemicals from climaxing wears off after a short time

    That is the nature of the "fix" that you get from an activity such as this - it is similar to sex itself in that there is typically a lot of stimulation of whatever kind leading to a climax and the release of endorphins, followed by the drop from the high.

    It often gets to the point with the solo version that you consume some form of stimulation to accompany the arousal stage, whether through adult video, visual stimulation (maybe voyeurism is your thing), mental stimulation (maybe reading a story about a situation that you get off to) or physical (maybe the feel of sanpaper on your skin does it for you).

    This tends to become familiar with use which is why there is such a consumption of such material and often "mission creep" into related areas of stimulation (different adult video stories, different neighbour, different stories or different grade of sandpaper or even wire wool!).

    The mind tends to want something familiar yet different. Same actor/actress but different partner etc - but it is worth noting that it is worth keeping this in check as it often leads to the point where the viewer of adult videos will migrate to more extreme themes in search of a new high and sometimes stray into the illegal - don't go there!

    Maybe try a different approach once in a while - abstain for a week and have a blowout at the end (excuse the expression!).

    Try a different form of stilulation perhaps - use the other hand, sex toys, rub against something etc.

    Maybe get psychological on it - try to identify why you seek such release and stimulation. Are you using it to escape your feelings, is it a longing for a connection or are you avoiding thinking about something else? This is a difficult path as you really need a therapist to help effectively.

    Maybe consider an occasional treat for something quite different. A massage (with or without a happy ending) is a good option.

    Maybe look for apps that go just for hookup sessions - no relationship expected but I guess you need to be up for some unexpected interactions. I'm not sure it is wise if you are not comfortable socially with NTs.

    There is a load to think about there - I suspect the mods may choose to edit this but I hope there is something in it to help.

  • Thanks, this is more than I expected.  I'm happy to find people who are open minded.

  • You read very quickly.  Impressive.

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