Possibly asexual and aromantic

I'm sure I'm asexual and aromantic, after numerous attempts at dating apps I quickly lose heart and delete my profile.  The rigmarole of meeting and dating people loses it's appeal before coming back during a spell of longing and boredom.

That said, I have a curiosity about sex and find scenes in movies and TV series fascinating and arousing.  I enjoy the fantasies more than the reality it seems.

  • Option 1. you just have an academic facination with sex. That perfectly posible. There are people facinated by serial killers they're not planing to do it themselves.

    Option 2. you do have a sex drive but it's really only triggered / satasified by some very spicific set of things. Like maybe oneday you will find some odd sex act involving 2 manquins, a bicycal pump and 20 leaters of custard is the one thing that does it for you.

    Option 3. you are aromantic but not asexual. Thats actually far more common than you might think. So sex is appealing so long as a relationship isn't involved, hence the interest in sex scenes and fantasies.

  • Option 1. you just have an academic facination with sex. That perfectly posible. There are people facinated by serial killers they're not planing to do it themselves.

    Option 2. you do have a sex drive but it's really only triggered / satasified by some very spicific set of things. Like maybe oneday you will find some odd sex act involving 2 manquins, a bicycal pump and 20 leaters of custard is the one thing that does it for you.

    Option 3. you are aromantic but not asexual. Thats actually far more common than you might think. So sex is appealing so long as a relationship isn't involved, hence the interest in sex scenes and fantasies.
