
I was thinking of doing a thread of jokes and humor.

on Thursday  my evening routine went out without any fore warning cause someone who doesnt know my evening routine due to not being with me in the evening and stuff told the person who was going to be with me this evening who doesnt know my routine either and there waa some sort of mis communication

for context

she aparantly told me out of nowhere when i was having my meds but she started going on about something else aswell and I was unable to process everything cause it takes longer than normal for me to process things cause of my learning disability sometimes

but also cause I had a sore throat that kept me up the previous night and my sore throat has been worse today Iv been taking something for it.  I dont tend to cope with them well cause they afect the texsture of food i will eat and im very fussy about texture anyway and so was too distracted by all that.  

she was also talking too fast for me to process the words and sentences  and I thought she was just going over my usual routine and so didnt pay much attention cause I already know it and she aparantly thought I agreed with certain  times that ended up throwing my routine out the window and I was completely unaware of any changes until the last minute

when I t told her what she said didnt make sense cause its not my routine and she didnt take that well when I told her and I found the change odd and it caused lots of upset to my routine

so cause of everything that happened that  evening im even more up for humor and laughter and for that reason and the fact I was thinking about doing a joke and humor thread anyway there is no better time time like the  present to make people laugh 

here are some jokes and humor I have come up with so far 

I make up funny words in my head to use as alternatives to rude words or swear words so thought it would be one cool idea to do with humor 

when I was a child  I mainly copyed my speacial interests rather than my parents and although they have a habit of swearing sometimes I still chose not to copy them and so have never been known to swear  ever since I was little and dont do it even when alone instead I automaticaly come out with all sorts of  funny things as always but  thats just me. I like making up funny words  and my brain automaticaly says funny things instead and so I come up with all sorts of funny things even when im fustraited or iv realised iv made a mistake ir I have an acident so thought funny words would be a good idea cause its a type of humor I could use for the joke thread 

heres one of my favourate funny things I say 

oh flap- referance to birds flapping when startled 

but its the flapping part i find funny and one of my favourate phraises 

next I like different types of humor 

what do you get when  a crab gets into a fight 

an all out brawl 

what do you get when a  teritorial  shore  crab crosses   paths with a  hermit? krabby 

then theres other funny humor and jokes to come up with aswell. although its about wildlife it can be about anything and thought it would be a good idea for a thread 

  • just found my spare glasess in the cuboard on the shelf that towels belong in goodness knows how they got in there by themselfs I wasnt exspecting to see them in there 

  • I have to keep glasses all over the house. I even have a magnetic plastic pair attached to the fridge door.

  • Iv got a very very good memory of life exsperiances and life events, and  things iv learned exspecialy facts and and it is very detailed and  vivid just as my imaganation but when it comes to things that require short term memory and things like rembering not to loose stuff   I can be very very clumsy Iv allways been like that.  its like my brains way of compensating.  so I loose things alot and usualy loose at least one thing when i go out somewhere I leave traces of where iv been but I also loose things in the house alot aswell. I find it hard to concentrate sometimes and I easily get distracted where my mind goes from one thing to the next too quickly or im just too absorbed in what im doing or thinking of other things which is why i loose stuff alot and I tend to put them in very strange places.

    the things i loose most are usualy my galsess so itry to keep them in a certain place and not take them about. or my bottle. I take my bottle about alot and cause my atention isnt on it i leave it behind. I  usualy dont even know iv lost them when i have cause im not thinking about it.  I tend to put things down without taking any notice of where things are   but then when it comes to finding things  however im good at finding things.

    sometimes i can go long time before knowing iv lost something and depending on the situation it can be funny. I put things in my pocket and keep things in my pocket alot so  iv left things in my poscket and many things have got washed in the washing machine. recently my ear plug went in and came out in good condition the person who did the washing machine told me its had a good clean and as usual exspected it not to work but every time they say that my things allways work after 

  • Iv got a very very good memory of life exsperiances and life events, and  things iv learned exspecialy facts and and it is very detailed and  vivid just as my imaganation but when it comes to things that require short term memory and things like rembering not to loose stuff   I can be very very clumsy Iv allways been like that.  its like my brains way of compensating.  so I loose things alot and usualy loose at least one thing when i go out somewhere I leave traces of where iv been but I also loose things in the house alot aswell. I find it hard to concentrate sometimes and I easily get distracted where my mind goes from one thing to the next too quickly or im just too absorbed in what im doing or thinking of other things which is why i loose stuff alot and I tend to put them in very strange places.

    the things i loose most are usualy my galsess so itry to keep them in a certain place and not take them about. or my bottle. I take my bottle about alot and cause my atention isnt on it i leave it behind. I  usualy dont even know iv lost them when i have cause im not thinking about it.  I tend to put things down without taking any notice of where things are   but then when it comes to finding things  however im good at finding things.

    sometimes i can go long time before knowing iv lost something and depending on the situation it can be funny. I put things in my pocket and keep things in my pocket alot so  iv left things in my poscket and many things have got washed in the washing machine. recently my ear plug went in and came out in good condition the person who did the washing machine told me its had a good clean and as usual exspected it not to work but every time they say that my things allways work after 

  • belive it or not both my spare bottle and my bottle that isnt a spare has just gone missing.

    for me  im usualy quit good at drinking alot I allways have my bottle with me all the time I allways have water or juice but usualy water cause i like water.  I allways have it with me  just like my camara cause i get thirsty easily.


    im like those characters that allways have something with them and never seen without it. im very  used to seeing my stuff cause i have it with me all the time so I dont conciously think about them and then theres my atention.

     when i was younger i used to have pickachu with me all the time.  when I was 14  i started carrying water bottles everywhere cause I started  getting thirsty easily so iv been doing it ever since cause i still get just as thirsty easily which is alot and its useful haveing water with you all the time. 

    I allways make sure i have a spare of something so that it doesnt go missing. before i used both cause of the tonsolitis but now iv gone from the spare bottle  to that one  and my  other bottle has gone missing aswell. usualy I dont use my spares unless  something goes missing 

  • My bottle has marks on it so I know to drink. I would be dehydrated if I didn't have that.