
I was thinking of doing a thread of jokes and humor.

on Thursday  my evening routine went out without any fore warning cause someone who doesnt know my evening routine due to not being with me in the evening and stuff told the person who was going to be with me this evening who doesnt know my routine either and there waa some sort of mis communication

for context

she aparantly told me out of nowhere when i was having my meds but she started going on about something else aswell and I was unable to process everything cause it takes longer than normal for me to process things cause of my learning disability sometimes

but also cause I had a sore throat that kept me up the previous night and my sore throat has been worse today Iv been taking something for it.  I dont tend to cope with them well cause they afect the texsture of food i will eat and im very fussy about texture anyway and so was too distracted by all that.  

she was also talking too fast for me to process the words and sentences  and I thought she was just going over my usual routine and so didnt pay much attention cause I already know it and she aparantly thought I agreed with certain  times that ended up throwing my routine out the window and I was completely unaware of any changes until the last minute

when I t told her what she said didnt make sense cause its not my routine and she didnt take that well when I told her and I found the change odd and it caused lots of upset to my routine

so cause of everything that happened that  evening im even more up for humor and laughter and for that reason and the fact I was thinking about doing a joke and humor thread anyway there is no better time time like the  present to make people laugh 

here are some jokes and humor I have come up with so far 

I make up funny words in my head to use as alternatives to rude words or swear words so thought it would be one cool idea to do with humor 

when I was a child  I mainly copyed my speacial interests rather than my parents and although they have a habit of swearing sometimes I still chose not to copy them and so have never been known to swear  ever since I was little and dont do it even when alone instead I automaticaly come out with all sorts of  funny things as always but  thats just me. I like making up funny words  and my brain automaticaly says funny things instead and so I come up with all sorts of funny things even when im fustraited or iv realised iv made a mistake ir I have an acident so thought funny words would be a good idea cause its a type of humor I could use for the joke thread 

heres one of my favourate funny things I say 

oh flap- referance to birds flapping when startled 

but its the flapping part i find funny and one of my favourate phraises 

next I like different types of humor 

what do you get when  a crab gets into a fight 

an all out brawl 

what do you get when a  teritorial  shore  crab crosses   paths with a  hermit? krabby 

then theres other funny humor and jokes to come up with aswell. although its about wildlife it can be about anything and thought it would be a good idea for a thread 

  • Thinking about jokes/humour and the autistic brain a bit further, I must admit I'm seldom made to laugh helplessly by the classic 'here's one for you..' joke tellings one might encounter socially. (these also carry the pressure of additional masking - has one laughed convincingly? Was saying 'ah, that's clever' an acceptable surrogate response?) Which is why I appreciate the more oblique angles of approach to 'why does that tickle me/us?' on here so much. 

    And has also put back into my head the sheer genius/joy of 'Kids Write Jokes' - which you can find online - jokes spontaneously constructed by children who haven't yet learned the rules of how humour 'should' work... and thus a million times funnier than anything a grown-up could come up with, even if they were to try and fake the freewheeling style that the kids just have innately.

    A few examples of these jokes...

    What do goats eat? Gravity!


    What do you call a tv with teeth? Overpowered!!!


    What did the boy say to the other boy? I don't know, what? Doug, you should stretch!


    tom hanks is a big dude not bye


    The joke is, elephant and the tiger. That’s it.


    Exquisite stuff...

  • I dont know weather i undertsand the 3rd one or not cause i dont know what Doug means other than how it is used when it comes to dogs so if its a referance to dogs or not i dont know that is the only meaning i know. im not sure if I understand the gravity one or not unless its a pun on gravy if it is then that is funny 

    but the tv one I find hillareous cause I got an image of the tv in the living room at home  with a massive mouth with teeth filling the abouve and below of its mouth in it and the overpowered part is funny 

    I dont know  if at this point i should be concerned about my family cause my  Dad has got the flu and  since it looks like there tv has developed a mouth with teeth and its gone wacko due to being overpowered it doesnt look good in the slightest  i dont know what to say but I defanatly found the tv one funny so  found that one  the funniest 

  • I dont know weather i undertsand the 3rd one or not cause i dont know what Doug means other than how it is used when it comes to dogs so if its a referance to dogs or not i dont know that is the only meaning i know. im not sure if I understand the gravity one or not unless its a pun on gravy if it is then that is funny 

    but the tv one I find hillareous cause I got an image of the tv in the living room at home  with a massive mouth with teeth filling the abouve and below of its mouth in it and the overpowered part is funny 

    I dont know  if at this point i should be concerned about my family cause my  Dad has got the flu and  since it looks like there tv has developed a mouth with teeth and its gone wacko due to being overpowered it doesnt look good in the slightest  i dont know what to say but I defanatly found the tv one funny so  found that one  the funniest 

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