Are there any unwealthy autistic persons here?

By that I mean those receiving universal credit/ESA or pension credit(if old enough). Those who live in social housing, and aren't well off enough to be home owners.

  • I wonder why you are asking this? I understand that the majority of autistic people either cannot work, or struggle to manage a full time job. And you don't have to be getting benefits or living in social housing to be poor - those with income just above the benefits level are often the worst off, and pay the highest proportion of income in taxes.

  • You, and no doubt others here, wonder why. For my part I'm struggling to understand why  there's a failure to understand  why  the difference in experiences impacts  on my ability to feel that I fit in here.

  • Hi Firemonkey, thank you for replying to my question.

    Everyone is different on here, we all have different backgrounds and different political and social views - that's fine, so long as we don't let those differences divide us.

    I looked at your profile to see if I could get more information on your background, so as to get a clue why you asked this question. I see that you state that you dislike "gammon people" and are against Brexit. I voted for Brexit, so I assume that means you automatically dislike me and would also call me a "gammon". I really do not care what anyone thinks of me or what they call me, but I wanted to just point out that this may offend others on the forum who have different political views to yourself. I won't say any more on the subject of politics as I don't want to get into any arguments, although I'm quite happy to chat with you about anything non controversial. 

    I have now also seen a reply you posted to Mark (Spikey) where you say that compared to many you had a privileged upbringing. I don't see how that matters on here - we all have issues, no matter how wealthy or poor we are. I reply to posts that interest or intrigue me, or ones where I feel the same way as someone and hope I can make them feel included. Try to see past the differences - we should all be able to find common ground.

  • I completely agree about the whole "remainer" vs "brexiteer" thing. How I voted in a referendum 8 years ago is just not something I'd want to base my identity on. 

  • I'm struggling to understand why  there's a failure to understand  why  the difference in experiences impacts  on my ability to feel that I fit in here.

    For what little it may be worth, I value your presence here immensely and don't see you - in any way at all - as "not fitting in".

    Gammon people are those who are jingoistic  rather than patriotic , and are more than a little bit racist.

    Before you explained that, I thought you meant the same as the dictionary definition, which covers a much wider range of people and doesn't (necessarily) involve either jingoism or racism:

    "a middle-aged or older white man with conservative, traditionalist views, stereotypically characterized as having a red or flushed complexion"

    Honestly, I still see it as derogatory, though, because it makes fun of people's appearance and stereotypes them based on it, using an unpleasant term.

  • I see, however it is better to try to engage with their reasons for discrimination and try to educate and bring people together than use derogatory names, which is likely to entrench division.

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