Songs from your youth that mean *more* to you now.

A brief discussion with Mr T reminded me of a song that means more to me now than it did at the time.

I'll leave it to Mr T to post that song,

Mine is

Björk - Hyperballad (YouTube Video)

As far as I can guess it is about putting on a brave face to be with your loved one. It brings me to tears every time. In my 20s it was just a song that I liked.

We live on a mountain right at the top
There's a beautiful view from the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like car parts, bottles, and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way to start the day

I go through all this before you wake up
So I can feel happier to be safe up here with you
I go through all this before you wake up
So I can feel happier to be safe up here with you

It's early morning, no one is awake
I'm back at my cliff, still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make on their way down
I follow with my eyes till they crash
I imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

  • One that has been in my mind lately and has gotten a whole new level of meaning for me is

    No life's so short, it can't turn around
    You can't spend your life living underground
    Far from above, you don't hear a sound
    And I'm out here, waiting
    I don't understand what you want me to be
    It's the dark you're hating
    It's not who I am, but I know that it's all that you see
    No life's so short that it never learns
    No flame so small that it never burns
    No page so sure that it never turns
    And I'm out here, waiting
    I don't understand what you want me to be
    It's the dark you're hating
    It's not who I am, but I know that it's all that you see
    Can you live your life in a day
    Putting every moment in play?
    Never hear a word that they say as the wheels go around
    Tell me, if you win, would it show?
    In a thousand years, who would know?
    As a million lives come and go on this same piece of ground
    (I've been) can you live your life in a day
    (Waiting) putting every moment in play?
    (I don't understand what you) never hear a word that they say
    (Want me to be) as the wheels go around
    (It's the dark you're) tell me if you win would it show
    (Hating) in a thousand years, who would know?
    (It's not who I am, but it is) as a million lives come and go
    (What you see) on this same piece of ground
    (I've been) tell me would you really want to
    (Waiting) see me leave this night without you
    (I don't understand what you) would you ever look about you
    (Want me to be) wondering where we might be
    (It's the dark you're) New York is so far away now
    (Hating) Tokyo, Berlin and Moscow
    (It's not who I am, but it is) only dreams from here but somehow
    (What you see) one day that world we will see
    I don't understand (can you live your life in a day)
    I don't understand (putting every moment in play?)
    I don't understand (would you ever look about you)
    I don't understand (never hear a word that they say)
    I don't understand (as the wheels go around)
    I don't understand (tell me if you win, would it show?)
    I don't understand (in a thousand years, who would know?)
    I don't understand what I see
    I swear on tomorrow, if you take this chance
    Our lives are this moment, the music, the dance
    And here in this labyrinth of lost mysteries
    I close my eyes on this night, and you're all that I see
    You're all that I see
    Writer(s): Paul O'neill, John Oliva
    The song is the finale of a concept album/rock opera (Dead Winter Dead) about the Bosnian war. The song is about a Serb boy and a Bosniak girl meeting in the aftermath of war. However the lyrics can be interpreted as an autistic person struggling to fit in or find love:
    "And I'm out here, waiting
    I don't understand what you want me to be
    It's the dark you're hating
    It's not who I am, but I know that it's all that you see"
    The simultaneous verses playing at the same time feel like an sensory overload episode while they play all together and on top of them all "I DON'T UNDERSTAND".
    Wow so much autistic emotion on this one!

  • Hi Inula. Your post is very touching. I would have liked to have read the pre edit version, but totally understand.

  • For me the song that I loved and now resonates very much goes back to 1976. Eric Carmen "All by myself" I think I'd just broken up with my first boyfriend at that point. 

    I've edited out a huge chunk here explaining why it means so much to me - it was a bit long winded! I'm trying to undo over 60 years of masking. I was out with some neuro typicals yesterday and realised just how very different I am and how unlikely it is that I will feel comfortable in situations where I might make new friends. 


  • I was going to mention you in my original post, but then thought that you may not like that. Glad that you put it here.

  • I like bittersweet sympathy too. On paper, Radiohead should be a band I would like, but High and Dry coming at the time of a big break up means that I can't listen to that at all without all the emotions flooding back despite being completely over the break up.

  • Bittersweet Symphony springs to mind.

    As does Electioneering by Radiohead.

  • I have a special fetish for the albums of 2005 and 2006.  I still love all the music  from those years. I was aged 23 and 24 at the time.

  • Respecting it's current depth of impact on you these days; thank you for being prepared to share your reminiscence in that detail.

  • Mine is Ghosts by Japan too.

    When I had the single and played it often, I was only 20 but still found it resonated.

    Now, 40+ years later, I feel that I am a cathedral of ghosts, and I can't listen to it now - it's too painful.

    I remember seeing/hearing him singing it live and being so very moved, which was in the early 80s.

  • That is a different atmosphere to explore.

    (Thank you).


    A link to a live acoustic version where you can actually feel the pauses 

  • That is a blast from the past. 

    I used to have a cassette tape copy of Japan's album Tin Drum including that track. 

    At the time I lived in a really restrictive social setting (from the outlook of a young person at the time). 

    Therefore, that track was played - a lot (I really do mean: ...a lot).

    Good to see the lyrics once again - this time through the eyes of an older adult. 

    I shall revisit the track and reflect upon it's significance.

  • Here is a song that now I can relate to my life. 

    Ghosts - Japan

    When the room is quiet
    The daylight almost gone
    It seems there's something I should know
    Well I ought to leave but the rain it never stops
    And I've no particular place to go

    Just when I think I'm winning
    When I've broken every door
    The ghosts of my life blow wilder than before
    Just when I thought I could not be stopped
    When my chance came to be king
    The ghosts of my life blew wilder than the wind

    Well I'm feeling nervous
    Now I find myself alone
    The simple life's no longer there
    Once I was so sure
    Now the doubt inside my mind
    Comes and goes but leads nowhere