Songs from your youth that mean *more* to you now.

A brief discussion with Mr T reminded me of a song that means more to me now than it did at the time.

I'll leave it to Mr T to post that song,

Mine is

Björk - Hyperballad (YouTube Video)

As far as I can guess it is about putting on a brave face to be with your loved one. It brings me to tears every time. In my 20s it was just a song that I liked.

We live on a mountain right at the top
There's a beautiful view from the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like car parts, bottles, and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way to start the day

I go through all this before you wake up
So I can feel happier to be safe up here with you
I go through all this before you wake up
So I can feel happier to be safe up here with you

It's early morning, no one is awake
I'm back at my cliff, still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make on their way down
I follow with my eyes till they crash
I imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

  • This. Although it predates me by 30 years, still, it's a song from my youth, once a nice melody, but with the passage of time, the lyrics have meaning for me now that wasn't there when I was younger. 

    Across the evening sky,
    all the birds are leaving,
    But how can they know,
    it's time for them to go?
    Before the winter fire,
    I will still be dreaming,
    I have no thought of time.

    For who knows,
    where the time goes?
    Who knows,
    where the time goes?

    Sad, deserted shore,
    your fickle friends are leaving,
    Ah, but then you know,
    it's time for them to go,
    But I will still be here,
    I have no thought of leaving,
    I do not count the time.

    For who knows,
    where the time goes?
    Who knows,
    where the time goes?

    And I am not alone,
    while my love is near me,
    I know it will be so,
    until it's time to go,
    So come the storms of winter,
    and then the birds in spring again,
    I have no fear of time.

    For who knows,
    how my love grows?
    And who knows,
    where the time goes?

  • I had to google that - 

    "Who Knows Where the Time Goes?" by Fairport Convention?
    I can relate to time slipping away..
  • It's the inevitable passage of time, I think, which isn't so apparent when you're younger. 

    Time is something I've thought about a lot.

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