Diagnosis has made things worse

Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed aged 25 and I feel this has made things worse as I now know what I thought was just social anxiety (so possibly treatable) is actually autism and so will never go away. Looking back at my life, I realise that autism has had a huge negative impact - I’m unable to do things such as join sports teams or go to parties/social events without experiencing extreme anxiety before going, and then wanting them to be over the whole time I’m there. This has lead to me having no friends at 25 years old which is beginning to take a toll on my mental health. My mind feels like it’s in a constant battle with itself where I want to join in and enjoy playing sports, etc. but when I actually think about doing it, the anxiety kicks in and I end up back where I started. Does anyone else feel the same or have any advice on dealing with the diagnosis?

  • Hi Adam

    Welcome to the late diagnosed adults club. It will take time to process and accept your diagnosis. I am over a year into my journey. I am in my early fifties and had all the feelings of regret and grief from missing out. Slowly I came to realise I at least had an answer to why things happened the way they did. That was the first small positive. I hope to be able to find more and more of these positives through time.

  • Hi Adam

    Welcome to the late diagnosed adults club. It will take time to process and accept your diagnosis. I am over a year into my journey. I am in my early fifties and had all the feelings of regret and grief from missing out. Slowly I came to realise I at least had an answer to why things happened the way they did. That was the first small positive. I hope to be able to find more and more of these positives through time.

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