funny drawings

Iv done some funny drawings today so I came with the idea of doing a thread on funny drawings  its only for funny ones  rather than ordinary ones.  

I wondered what to draw and for some reason I came up with hermit crab then I came up with a hat.  and cause hermit crabs also use plastic and not just shells and hats are like the shape of the shells they wear   I thought il do a crab with a plastic hat and so thought I would draw a crab with a celebration or party hat 

this is a hermit crab wearing a party hat. 

  • These are great, Zo. I can't draw at all!

  • iv been drawing since I was at the  7, 8 age range so Iv had a long time to practice drawing. although I do it memory weather you draw from memory or not drawing takes practice so when you draw for the first time you wont get it right way and if you make mostakes like with anything they are oportunitys to learn. 

    although I been drawing since I was 8, 9 I didnt draw Wildlife until 2019 and cause that was when my interest only just started I didnt have enough memorys of what birds and things looked like cause i mainly avoided them until I decided that I wanted to overcome my phobia of animals

    both domestic and wild ones It took a year to overcome my fear of  wildlife but I did it one at a time once i did that my i terest became my speacial interest then and I kept practicing cause I really really wanted to draw them. since 2020 I have improved alot and last year I was able to compare my drawings to my older drawings. but  how I became good at drawing wildlife evenialy is by being patiant woth my self ad fustraotong as it was it didmt look the way I wanted it to and thought how can I do better until eventualy i became good at it so its all about practice. 

  • Zo, you are amazing! So you've turned a fear of animals into a special interest? You are an inspiration.

  • Very wise words. Funnily enough, I have drawn a few Pokémon with my niece. Usually copying YouTube videos.

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