funny drawings

Iv done some funny drawings today so I came with the idea of doing a thread on funny drawings  its only for funny ones  rather than ordinary ones.  

I wondered what to draw and for some reason I came up with hermit crab then I came up with a hat.  and cause hermit crabs also use plastic and not just shells and hats are like the shape of the shells they wear   I thought il do a crab with a plastic hat and so thought I would draw a crab with a celebration or party hat 

this is a hermit crab wearing a party hat. 

  • These are great, Zo. I can't draw at all!

  • iv been drawing since I was at the  7, 8 age range so Iv had a long time to practice drawing. although I do it memory weather you draw from memory or not drawing takes practice so when you draw for the first time you wont get it right way and if you make mostakes like with anything they are oportunitys to learn. 

    although I been drawing since I was 8, 9 I didnt draw Wildlife until 2019 and cause that was when my interest only just started I didnt have enough memorys of what birds and things looked like cause i mainly avoided them until I decided that I wanted to overcome my phobia of animals

    both domestic and wild ones It took a year to overcome my fear of  wildlife but I did it one at a time once i did that my i terest became my speacial interest then and I kept practicing cause I really really wanted to draw them. since 2020 I have improved alot and last year I was able to compare my drawings to my older drawings. but  how I became good at drawing wildlife evenialy is by being patiant woth my self ad fustraotong as it was it didmt look the way I wanted it to and thought how can I do better until eventualy i became good at it so its all about practice. 

  • Zo, you are amazing! So you've turned a fear of animals into a special interest? You are an inspiration.

  • Very wise words. Funnily enough, I have drawn a few Pokémon with my niece. Usually copying YouTube videos.

  • thanks. sorry I wasnt able to answer all day cause I went to see my family today.

    sort of.  I started overcoing my fears in 2017 and 2018 it was 2019 when I had properly overcome them and my iinterest became a speacia linterest. 2017 was when I started to work on overcoming my fear of dogs by starting with a calm one that my Mum had then gradually worked toward dogs out and about when i was no longer afraid of them at home. then in 2018 I visited lots of places that have domestic animals like zoos and farms to get myself used to them and the idea was to teach my brain that they wernt a threat cause i had lots of bad exspericances with dogs and other  animals when I was a child and I started with aproaching then feeding and stroking. for wildlife though  I still had a phobia of them which made anything related to wildlife diffucult cause I couldnt go near them. 

    he reason for overcoming my fear of dogs and domestic aniamls was  so that i could go on holiday to my auntys cause she has dogs and i wouldnt be able to stay at her house cause she doesnt like keeping them locked away and also so that I could go on holiday with my family since i wasnt able to cause they like to  take the dogs with them some of them and i found there barking stressful cause of my hypersensitive hearing when they were locked away cause of me being there. the 3rd reason was so that i could go out and about to more places. one thing I wasnt exspecting was want to overcome any more fears but after i overcame my fear of dogs and other domesticated animals I suddenly got a strong sense of comfidance that i could overcome my fear of something else aswell cause iv already done it. it took a couple of months  to overcome the fear of dogs and then other dommestic animals each.  I knew that overcoming wildlife would be a big one just like dogs so I decided to choose certain species to start off with rather than exspecting myself to overcome it all at once and did my research on them first before doing so and overtime my brain learned there is nothing to be afraid of after all and  learned that they wont harm you unless they feell threatened. mid year and into the begining  2019 I was able to go out without being scared of the things i was origiionaly and go to more places and even see my aunty who has both farm animals and dogs and go on holidays with Mum and my photos begun to include mainly dogs at first. then zoo animals and farm animals around this time mainly but it started to include wild animals but it wasnt a proper or full on interest yet  and I didnt do any drawings

    this led the way for an event to take place in April when i just went for a walk to the orchard and 4 Buzzards came down from the sky and landed in front of me close enough i could touch them only 1 feet away and showing no interest in me they were teaching there young how to fly. and the young practicing right in front of us which went on for a long time. this has never happened to me again since and it made me wonder what it was cause i didnt know how to identify birds of prey cause i never seen them before.I became fixated on birds of prey specificaly and were more interested in them than non birds of prey and other wildlife.  this exsperiance inspired me to draw a bird from out in the wild for the very first time and what happened and write about it and I had to learn how to identify birds first that wernt birds of prey cause there easyer like blackbird, Robin etc I took it step by step and found myself eventualy being able to learn how to identify diffucult species and over time eventualy ones that can apear  almost identical even though being 2 seperate species entirely and identification in general which meant alot of proper in depth research and getting out there and birdwatching after that then I went on to bird of prey identification and eventualy became fixated on other species of wildlife and researched them and started from beginers level to intermediate for identifying other wildlife  and this is when my photo library became flooded in wildlife  pictures and it is all i could think about mainly even though i also had other interests and I started drawing most wildlife not just birds and birds of prey from 2019 onwards. it was mainly birds until my interest properly progressed to other wildlife too as my interest and knoledge progressed. i went wildlife watching almost every day and learning from them and  about them every month, every year.  the reason I had to practice drawing them was cause when I was a child and a teenager I didnt draw them. im good at drawing most things you see in life buildings, people, trees etc from memory  I also drew pokemon which were based on animals. im good at drawing from memory and allways have been since a very young age and can draw most things.

    but havnt drawn proper wild animals and each one is a different species no one bird looks exactly the same. I didnt take notice of wildlife cause of my fear ever since i was  little so was less comfidant drawing wild animals- animals   iv seen out in the wild.  and of course I wasnt familer with them. I still drew them from memory I just wasnt as good at drawing them as I wanted to be but from becoming familer with wildlife and each species and each family and learning about there anatomy  over the years  im able to do good drawings of them now unlike when i first started drawing them 

    but if i didnt practice even though i thought it wasnt very good I wouldnt be as good as i am now so my point is that it doesnt make any differance weather a person can draw from memory or not or weather they think there good at it or not or weather they have or not anyone can draw as long as you practice cause if you dont practice then you wont get better 

  • thanks. sorry I wasnt able to answer all day cause I went to see my family today.

    sort of.  I started overcoing my fears in 2017 and 2018 it was 2019 when I had properly overcome them and my iinterest became a speacia linterest. 2017 was when I started to work on overcoming my fear of dogs by starting with a calm one that my Mum had then gradually worked toward dogs out and about when i was no longer afraid of them at home. then in 2018 I visited lots of places that have domestic animals like zoos and farms to get myself used to them and the idea was to teach my brain that they wernt a threat cause i had lots of bad exspericances with dogs and other  animals when I was a child and I started with aproaching then feeding and stroking. for wildlife though  I still had a phobia of them which made anything related to wildlife diffucult cause I couldnt go near them. 

    he reason for overcoming my fear of dogs and domestic aniamls was  so that i could go on holiday to my auntys cause she has dogs and i wouldnt be able to stay at her house cause she doesnt like keeping them locked away and also so that I could go on holiday with my family since i wasnt able to cause they like to  take the dogs with them some of them and i found there barking stressful cause of my hypersensitive hearing when they were locked away cause of me being there. the 3rd reason was so that i could go out and about to more places. one thing I wasnt exspecting was want to overcome any more fears but after i overcame my fear of dogs and other domesticated animals I suddenly got a strong sense of comfidance that i could overcome my fear of something else aswell cause iv already done it. it took a couple of months  to overcome the fear of dogs and then other dommestic animals each.  I knew that overcoming wildlife would be a big one just like dogs so I decided to choose certain species to start off with rather than exspecting myself to overcome it all at once and did my research on them first before doing so and overtime my brain learned there is nothing to be afraid of after all and  learned that they wont harm you unless they feell threatened. mid year and into the begining  2019 I was able to go out without being scared of the things i was origiionaly and go to more places and even see my aunty who has both farm animals and dogs and go on holidays with Mum and my photos begun to include mainly dogs at first. then zoo animals and farm animals around this time mainly but it started to include wild animals but it wasnt a proper or full on interest yet  and I didnt do any drawings

    this led the way for an event to take place in April when i just went for a walk to the orchard and 4 Buzzards came down from the sky and landed in front of me close enough i could touch them only 1 feet away and showing no interest in me they were teaching there young how to fly. and the young practicing right in front of us which went on for a long time. this has never happened to me again since and it made me wonder what it was cause i didnt know how to identify birds of prey cause i never seen them before.I became fixated on birds of prey specificaly and were more interested in them than non birds of prey and other wildlife.  this exsperiance inspired me to draw a bird from out in the wild for the very first time and what happened and write about it and I had to learn how to identify birds first that wernt birds of prey cause there easyer like blackbird, Robin etc I took it step by step and found myself eventualy being able to learn how to identify diffucult species and over time eventualy ones that can apear  almost identical even though being 2 seperate species entirely and identification in general which meant alot of proper in depth research and getting out there and birdwatching after that then I went on to bird of prey identification and eventualy became fixated on other species of wildlife and researched them and started from beginers level to intermediate for identifying other wildlife  and this is when my photo library became flooded in wildlife  pictures and it is all i could think about mainly even though i also had other interests and I started drawing most wildlife not just birds and birds of prey from 2019 onwards. it was mainly birds until my interest properly progressed to other wildlife too as my interest and knoledge progressed. i went wildlife watching almost every day and learning from them and  about them every month, every year.  the reason I had to practice drawing them was cause when I was a child and a teenager I didnt draw them. im good at drawing most things you see in life buildings, people, trees etc from memory  I also drew pokemon which were based on animals. im good at drawing from memory and allways have been since a very young age and can draw most things.

    but havnt drawn proper wild animals and each one is a different species no one bird looks exactly the same. I didnt take notice of wildlife cause of my fear ever since i was  little so was less comfidant drawing wild animals- animals   iv seen out in the wild.  and of course I wasnt familer with them. I still drew them from memory I just wasnt as good at drawing them as I wanted to be but from becoming familer with wildlife and each species and each family and learning about there anatomy  over the years  im able to do good drawings of them now unlike when i first started drawing them 

    but if i didnt practice even though i thought it wasnt very good I wouldnt be as good as i am now so my point is that it doesnt make any differance weather a person can draw from memory or not or weather they think there good at it or not or weather they have or not anyone can draw as long as you practice cause if you dont practice then you wont get better 
