Re: Recently confirmed as Autistic

Hello everyone,

I am a 51 yr old man that was confirmed autistic last Tuesday, experiencing mixed emotions is an understatement, I felt relief at now knowing why I was "different" then anger at losing 47 years of my life being undiagnosed and struggling with everything, regret at missed opportunities in life because I didn't know how to handle those chances, sadness that I've missed out on what neurotypical people did like, go on holidays together, enjoying each others social company.

My first question is, how did you handle the news of being told you are autistic?

  • Thank you everyone for your kind words and for sharing your experiences as well, good to know that what I'm feeling is "normal".

    Hey, look at that, we are "normal" after

    So it's ok to feel all those emotions and work our way through them.

  • Thank you everyone for your kind words and for sharing your experiences as well, good to know that what I'm feeling is "normal".

    Hey, look at that, we are "normal" after

    So it's ok to feel all those emotions and work our way through them.

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