Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • As a species we are doomed, as are all species, to succumb to our own genetic weaknesses and to be replaced by other more well adapted species.

    As individual, eternal souls, all drifting in the same boat we are all looking for the same thing, to avoid pain and seek out pleasure, however we perceive that. Our perceptions vary and that is where it gets interesting. 

    So people are .. interesting.

  • I fear your first paragraph is right.

    On the second paragraph, I think you're right that we seek pleasure and recoil from pain.  But we possibly need other stuff too.

    People are interesting and the universe is.  Let's stick around and learn more about it.

  • Indeed! it never tires me to see the show, the history as it unfolds.

  • Plans to colonise Mars are already in development. A special interest of mine.  I hope they succeed.  I would like Homo sapiens to survive as a species.  I am a Homo Sapien and we're not all bad.

  • The same parable would apply. M class planets would have to have magma chambers and would likely be occupied already by creatures as we would know them. So land grabs in the name of manifest destiny? Spice, Anyone?

    They might try. my feeling is humans will evolve in place as earth based lifeforms and return to abide in harmony with their planet's needs, or they will perish as a species rather soon, from pushing that home planet past it's ability to tolerate them.

    I see a new human coming forward too for whom the whole mission of bringing back a sustainable balance will be paramount. I am watching them with much interest!

  • Insightful. We might  be able to colonise another planet before we destroy this one.  

  • I also remind my self of the parable of  the magma:

    All the stuff the world is made of will eventually sink back down to become part of the magma layer.

    Then that magma will drive it back up to the surface where it will become fresh grist for the mechanics of new creatures in their becoming. Kali in her manifestations. We are Star Dust.

    So we are always somewhere in that long cycle as a planet under the influences of the laws of physics. It's beautiful and reason I do not worry for the earth itself. We hasten our own demise as a species with our inability to steward our resources, but perhaps, humans are more interested in the adventure of expanding than the long haul concerns of the likes of sharks and *** roaches.

    All things bright and beautiful. Indeed!

  • That's a great attitude to have and I will try to replicate it!

Reply Children
  • Plans to colonise Mars are already in development. A special interest of mine.  I hope they succeed.  I would like Homo sapiens to survive as a species.  I am a Homo Sapien and we're not all bad.

  • The same parable would apply. M class planets would have to have magma chambers and would likely be occupied already by creatures as we would know them. So land grabs in the name of manifest destiny? Spice, Anyone?

    They might try. my feeling is humans will evolve in place as earth based lifeforms and return to abide in harmony with their planet's needs, or they will perish as a species rather soon, from pushing that home planet past it's ability to tolerate them.

    I see a new human coming forward too for whom the whole mission of bringing back a sustainable balance will be paramount. I am watching them with much interest!

  • Insightful. We might  be able to colonise another planet before we destroy this one.  

  • I also remind my self of the parable of  the magma:

    All the stuff the world is made of will eventually sink back down to become part of the magma layer.

    Then that magma will drive it back up to the surface where it will become fresh grist for the mechanics of new creatures in their becoming. Kali in her manifestations. We are Star Dust.

    So we are always somewhere in that long cycle as a planet under the influences of the laws of physics. It's beautiful and reason I do not worry for the earth itself. We hasten our own demise as a species with our inability to steward our resources, but perhaps, humans are more interested in the adventure of expanding than the long haul concerns of the likes of sharks and *** roaches.

    All things bright and beautiful. Indeed!